Saturday, May 23, 2020
Evaluate the impact of discipline on the uniformed public...
In the distinction criteria of this assignment I am going to be comparing the different public services and evaluating them by saying why discipline is needed and why it is so important within the public services, I will be backing my work up by showing evidence from real life case studies Discipline is very important for anyone who is part of the Uniformed Public Services. Discipline is put in place to maintain order and to make sure that everyone works to the best of their abilities. All the services are organised in a similar way with a clear rank structure and clearly defined roles and responsibilities, which all rely on discipline to work effectively. One of the services that need to be disciplined is the Paramedics service†¦show more content†¦The police should always set a good example to the public showing that they are working productively and are reducing crime in the community making the public feel safe. An example of how the police services do their job properly â€Å"Norfolk Police Officer Up For Bravery Award†this officer put his life at risk by trying to do his job correctly. Paul Ridgway the Chairman of Norfolk Police Federation said â€Å"We are extremely pleased that Martin has been chosen to be nominated for an award for the bravery he showed during this particularly different and significant incident†. This is effective as all the other police officers will look up to Martin and will want to do something as brilliant he has done. Fire service personnel, regardless of rank have a duty to protect life and property from fire and other hazards. Other duties include carrying out risk assessments, enforcing fire legislation and educating the community. The fire fighters duties include attending emergency incidents, dealing with fires, flooding, chemical spillages, terrorist incidents and checking water hydrants. All members will need to be disciplined correctly to carry out every aspect of being a fire fighter. I think that all public services should have a high level of discipline with the crime rate rising more and more each year the services need to work to the best of theirShow MoreRelatedWe Are Not our Clothes - The Case for School Uniforms Essay1862 Words  | 8 Pagesis forced to bear the challenge of a new school on his own. Too many times in public school systems, this pre-judgment is a reality for students. School uniforms have been enforced to restrict certain types of apparel that can be worn during the school day. 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