Saturday, May 23, 2020
Evaluate the impact of discipline on the uniformed public...
In the distinction criteria of this assignment I am going to be comparing the different public services and evaluating them by saying why discipline is needed and why it is so important within the public services, I will be backing my work up by showing evidence from real life case studies Discipline is very important for anyone who is part of the Uniformed Public Services. Discipline is put in place to maintain order and to make sure that everyone works to the best of their abilities. All the services are organised in a similar way with a clear rank structure and clearly defined roles and responsibilities, which all rely on discipline to work effectively. One of the services that need to be disciplined is the Paramedics service†¦show more content†¦The police should always set a good example to the public showing that they are working productively and are reducing crime in the community making the public feel safe. An example of how the police services do their job properly â€Å"Norfolk Police Officer Up For Bravery Award†this officer put his life at risk by trying to do his job correctly. Paul Ridgway the Chairman of Norfolk Police Federation said â€Å"We are extremely pleased that Martin has been chosen to be nominated for an award for the bravery he showed during this particularly different and significant incident†. This is effective as all the other police officers will look up to Martin and will want to do something as brilliant he has done. Fire service personnel, regardless of rank have a duty to protect life and property from fire and other hazards. Other duties include carrying out risk assessments, enforcing fire legislation and educating the community. The fire fighters duties include attending emergency incidents, dealing with fires, flooding, chemical spillages, terrorist incidents and checking water hydrants. All members will need to be disciplined correctly to carry out every aspect of being a fire fighter. I think that all public services should have a high level of discipline with the crime rate rising more and more each year the services need to work to the best of theirShow MoreRelatedWe Are Not our Clothes - The Case for School Uniforms Essay1862 Words  | 8 Pagesis forced to bear the challenge of a new school on his own. Too many times in public school systems, this pre-judgment is a reality for students. School uniforms have been enforced to restrict certain types of apparel that can be worn during the school day. 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Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Essay Biodiesel vs. Ethanol - 1076 Words
Biodiesel vs. Ethanol Both biodiesel and ethanol are derivatives of biomass that have been processed to create a liquid biofuel. Both types of biofuels have been touted as secure and environmentally safe alternatives to fossil fuels, however the research verifying these claims is extensive but often contradicting. In the following paper, the efficiency and quality of the two types of biofuel will be discussed. The effects of variables such as source materials and production techniques on efficiency and quality will be considered. Due to the limited scope of this paper however, only generalized net analyses of ethanol and biodiesel production will be considered. The production of ethanol requires one of two source materials, cellulose†¦show more content†¦An important similarity between production of biodiesel and production of ethanol is that at some point during processing both systems require an input of either fossil, hydro, electric, solar, or wind energy. Thus, in order to determine if the u se of biofuels for mobile transportation purposes is more efficient than using fossil fuels, net energy analyses must be considered (Malca and Freire, 2006). It is significant to note that net energy analyses of both types of biofuels will differ based on source matter, differential processing technologies, crop production techniques, and the amount of biofuel being utilized. For example, bioethanol that is produced from wheat has a greater energy renewability efficiency value (ERenEF) (48%) than does ethanol produced from corn. ERenEF â€Å"measures the fraction of final fuel energy obtained from renewable resources†(Maca and Freire, 2006). This indicates that a greater percentage of the energy from wheat-based ethanol is renewable, as compared to energy from corn-based ethanol. Similarly, different processing technologies affect the energy renewability efficiency of ethanol. The use of ethyl tertiary butyl ether as a fuel oxygenate will increase an ERenEF when compared with the use of methyl tertiary butyl ether is as a fuel oxygenate. Different crop production techniques (e.g. no- till systems asShow MoreRelatedIs Fossil Fuel Reserves Be Diminished?1354 Words  | 6 Pagesbiofuels, derive from the biomass of feedstock, which may include corn-based ethanol, soybean-based biodiesel and straight vegetable oil. First generation biofuels are characterised by its ability to blend biofuel with fuels that are petroleum-based [3]. The product can be applied to internal combustion engines in currently-existing infrastructure. Therefore, it is hypothesised that small scale fuels, such as corn-based ethanol, is an ideal source of biofuel that is more favourable to the traditionalRead MoreThe Pros and Cons of Biofuel 859 Words  | 3 Pagesfirst generation fuels break down into Ethanol, Biodiesel, Green diesel, vegetable oil, biogas, etc. To be considered a first-generation fuel it must be made from sugars, starch or vegetable oil. In contrast to first-generation fuels, the second-generation fuels are more advanced and made from more complex elements. There are three main types of biofuels, (ethanol, biodiesel, biomass) and depending on how they are created determines each. (Wikipedia). Ethanol is produced by corn and sugarcane by aRead MoreIntroduction Of Industrial Hemp ( Cannabis Sativa L. ) ( No More Than 2 Pages )1411 Words  | 6 Pagesproduces the nutritious hemp seed. Hemp seeds are rich in protein and can be used for food, feed, body care products, and oils. ï‚ § Building construction materials †¢ Insulation, hemp-lime walls, â€Å"hempcrete†o Chemical properties/composition ï‚ § Hemp vs Marijuana: tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) content The Cannabis genus is comprised of three species: C. sativa, C. indica, and C. ruderalis. Cannabis Sativa L. plays an important role in the global economy as a licit and illicit crop. As a Schedule I DrugRead MoreRenewable Energy: Is It the Solution?1571 Words  | 7 Pagesbiofuels such as biodiesel, and ethanol. Wood is the most common method of utilizing biomass energy. Biofuel: Biofuels are produced from living organisms. The most common biofuels are bioethanol and biodiesel. Ethanol can be used in gasoline based engines and can be mixed with gasoline to any percentage. Ethanol is produced by using the sugars in a plant and distilling it into pure alcohol, in the United States, corn is the primary source for ethanol fuel (Ethanol Market, 2006). Biodiesel is another popularRead MoreBio-Diesel from Algae: An Acceptable Answer to Our Prayers Essay1195 Words  | 5 Pagesthan gasoline and is just as biodegradable as sugar. This is the future of bio-diesel, and is well on its way to becoming the future we will live in. Bio-diesel has always been an area of study for researchers looking for renewable fuels, usually biodiesel is produced from plant waste, like corn husks, but recently it was discovered that bio-diesel could be produced with oils found in algae, which many people are considering to be our best option when it comes to alternative fuels. This new-foundRead MoreComm/215 Final Research Paper2096 Words  | 9 Pagesmoney per car which then permits the company to buy more cars. 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On the other hand, the government wants to transition from fossil fuels to renewable energy sources and, therefore, wants to encourageRead MoreAlgae Biofuel2508 Words  | 11 Pages [pic] â€Å"Oil prices are linked to food †¦and most everything else†¦food costs more because the energy to produce the food costs more.†Global Problems – Deforestation Palm oil, perhaps the best terrestrial feedstock for biodiesel, has an image problem. – Palm vs. Soyabean Yield: 1 acre of palm = 8 acres of soyabean. – Triglycerides (TAGs) from current oilseed crops and waste oils would barely dent annual U.S. diesel demand. – For biofuels to displace even a moderate amount of fossil fuelsRead MoreFossil Fuel Consumption Vs. Time2038 Words  | 9 Pages(depending on what the vehicle consumes) (Royal Automobile Club, 2013). The rate at which these recourses are being used is also increasing, partly due to the increase in global population, as shown below in Figure 1. Figure 1 - Fossil Fuel Consumption vs. Time (Dunn, 2004) Production of these resources also causes damage to the environment. This can be either through the damage caused by the extraction of the resource or the disposal of them at the end of their life span (Royal Automobile Club, 2013)
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Science Health and Wellness Free Essays
Associate Level Material Six Dimensions of Health Worksheet Part 1 For each of the following six dimensions of health, list at least one characteristic, activity, belief, or attitude that reflects that dimension in your life. Provide a brief explanation with each example. Refer to Ch. We will write a custom essay sample on Science Health and Wellness or any similar topic only for you Order Now 1 in the text for explanations of these dimensions. Physical health: Gaining weight so you need to exercise. Being out of shape hurts your heart and bones. Taking care of yourself and exercising helps the heart also. Social health: Interacting with others friends etc will help you ease your mind and take some street off yourself for example you are having issues in your relationship with your boyfriend talking to a friend will ease the stress and help you not do something and or help you take care of yourself. Intellectual health: Learning new things and expanding your mind is a real good thing. As you learn new thing you can take care of yourself and you also keep your mind flowing instead of just stuck in one situation. Environmental health: Getting out of the house and not stuck doing nothing which will also give you exercise is very healthy just like the sun gives your body some vitamins which is also healthy. Emotional health: is important because if you don’t have good emotional health you can do something harmful to yourself like suicide or even something harmful towards others. Spiritual health: In believing in something such as god or something like that is always good. In believing in something it gives you a positive outlook in things and helps you cope with things. Part 2 In approximately 125 to 200 words, describe health and wellness in your own words using the ideas and concepts for each of the six dimensions of health. I believe that each one of these is very important. I listed things in the things above which to me are important. First Physical wellness is important cause if you don’t keep your body healthy you’re going to get yourself very sick or worst. You damage yourself each and every day when you don’t do something for your body like exercise. Social wellness is interacting with friends and associating yourself with others which helps you get your feelings out and helps that you are not alone which also is connected into emotional health. A lot of people that has bad emotional issues can hurt them and or hurt others which then can also tie into intellectual health. If you learn and expand yourself with new things you can also help yourself be positive and teach yourself new things. There is also spiritual health which will help you believe in something other then what is around you like going to church or whatever your religion shall be. It helps you clear . your mind and gives you a positive boost you might needs. Environmental health helps you get out of the house so you’re not stuck and get involved in things. How to cite Science Health and Wellness, Papers
Friday, May 1, 2020
Market Analysis Of Aldi Retail Industry - Myassignmenthelp.Com
Question: Discuss about the Market Analysis Of Aldi Retail Industry. Answer: Introduction: Australian grocery buyers have spent over $90bn in the supermarkets in the year ending March 2017. This business is expected to grow manifolds owing to increasing population, higher number and accessibility of stores across the country and a growing efficiency of these stores. The increasing population leads to an increase in demand, higher number of stores create more brand awareness, higher accessibility of the stores lead to brand visibility and growing efficiency of the stores lead to ease of shopping experience. In this food and retail industry, Aldi supermarkets are a leading name with over 13.2% market share that continues to grow. They have over 10,000 stores in 18 countries across the globe. It faces severe competition from Coles and Woolworths which are well established names since early 1900s. Aldi provides employment opportunities to various Australians and consistently puts efforts in supporting Australian farmers by procuring supply directly from them (Aldi, 2017). Marketing becomes an essential part for any firm to establish its presence in the country, especially in the face of increasing demand and competition. Right marketing can decide the image of the brand that people hold in their minds and what is there perception of the brand. This article throws light upon the marketing strategies used by Aldi Australia and strategies recommended for the coming years. Background of the company: Established in 1916, Aldi supermarket chain is one of the leading discount stores based out of Germany. Aldi is a common brand for two global supermarkets Aldi Sud and Aldi Nord both respectively owned by two brothers. Started as a single grocery store in Essen, this distinction between the two brands came about in 1962 and they have been legally separated since 1966. The brand currently operates over 10000 stores in 18 countries across the globe. Aldi Australia was created to fill the void in the discount supermarket business that was created by closure of Franklins. The first store was inaugurated in 2001 in the heart of the country, Sydney. Since then, the conglomerate has shown a steady grasp of 13.2% on the Australian market (Roy Morgan Research, 2017). Aldi has positioned itself as a low cost store that offers consumers good quality products. This positioning strategy has helped Aldi gain customers and establish themselves as a successful and well-known brand in Australia. Aldi brand was founded by Brothers Karl and Theo Albrecht in 1946 as a small grocery store outside their house, however the firm was remodeled from a shop run by their mother in the local area to a showroom with efficient operations and procurement strategies in place. Both the brothers had a good show running until 1960, post which they parted ways over not being able to reach a consensus on the idea of selling cigarettes. The Nature of Aldis Marketing Strategy Brand ownership Aldi supermarkets believe in private branding and hence they own most of the brands that they sell. However for certain items, they sell other organizations brands but that number is strictly capped to two brands per product line. By placing as much as 90% of items under the private label, ALDI removes the middleman and hence is able to pass those savings to the consumer (Business Insider, 2015). In order to maintain the quality as high as those of private brands, Aldi asks of its suppliers to sign extremely grueling ethical sourcing lineups and auditing regimes (The Australian, 2017). This has led to increased loyalty of Aldi customers as they get the good quality products at a lesser price. This has also helped in overall raising of the industry standards as other supermarkets have followed suits and ensured their quality remains high in order to remain competitive. Unmatchable speed Aldi has effectively understood the time crunch faced by Australian citizens. Most of the time mom and pop shops earn their business from clients who do not wish to visit the supermarket just to buy a small number of products (NBC News, 2004). Aldi claims that the entire process between the customer entering the supermarket and leaving after making payment is 40% quicker than its rivals (The Sun, 2017). At present, the supermarket checkouts run with an industry leading efficiency. Aldi products often have multiple barcodes to speed up the checkout process. Long conveyer belts are also added which allow the customers to unload their trolleys in a single go (Forbes, 2017). Aldi Testers Club Every firm tries its hands at gaining feedbacks from customers and implementing it. Some do it by the means of mailing feedback forms, some achieve it by keeping a tab on repeat purchases of their products. Aldi testers club came into being as a unique proposition where its own customers are often sent products and are asked for reviews. Since most of what Aldi products are the firms private brands, changes are made to the products upon receiving the review. This is the firms attempt to ramp up its quality and involve customers in their product design. This not only ensures that the goods produced are well appreciated by the consumers but also significantly enhances shoppers loyalty as now they feel more associated with the company. This is evidenced by the fact that when the club was launched, it was swamped with over 10000 applicants across the country (The Australian, 2015). As a part of their annual membership plan, Aldi testers receive 10 grocery products per quarter and it is c ompulsory for them to rate at least 50% of them. Above the line Promotions Above the line promotions done by a brand include those that the brand has paid in order to target a mass audience. They are usually done by firms in situations where there is no specific target market and the brand wishes to achieve awareness at a mass level and leave an impression on the minds of the consumers. Aldi uses 20 second television advertisements that use humor to build trust among its viewers (Aldi YouTube, 2017). They often show a well-known brand placed next to and Aldi product with Like brand, only cheaper written below. The advert went down so well with the consumers that it won several campaign of the week awards (Retail Week, 2013). Creative leaflets are distributed across every store that contain information about upcoming offers and given to all the customers visiting Aldi stores. Newspaper ads with Aldis Swap and Save message are printed and wherein Aldi products are compared to products of other brands and readers are made aware of their savings upon buying the Aldi product. Research conducted also showed that on an average a consumer saves $80 on a shopping basket by replacing with Aldi products (Central Western Daily, 2017). The testing baskets contained 33 items each. Below the line promotions Below the line promotions are customized and targeted to a specific set of consumers Aldi Australias Facebook page has 522007 followers (Facebook, 2017) and twitter page as over 25300 followers (Twitter, 2017). Aldi personnel aim to reply to every tweet and Facebook message that they receive. Direct emails are sent to customers on their birthdays and anniversaries with greetings from Aldi stores and often a gift voucher. Aldi allowed one of its Muslim checkout worker to not sell alcohol as it is against his religious beliefs (The Sun, 2017). These kind of generous acts add to the companys brand image and build trust among people. Strategic Marketing Options for Aldi moving forward Tying up with E-commerce websites At the current rate of digitalization in the economy, it becomes imperative that firms have an online presence. Aldis competition is not limited to offline stores of Woolworths and Coles but has also advanced to 7eleven, Target and groceryrun. Since setting up online stores requires tremendous cost, time and human resource, a recommended strategy for Aldi would be to work on its tie ups with E commerce giants like amazon who will list, market and deliver Aldi products to due consumers. Geo Radius Targeting Geo radius targeting is a way to ensure that people in a specific area are targeted to see a particular advertisement. This is accomplished by Geo fencing wherein advertisers for example will show restaurant ads to people close to a particular restaurant. Marketers can select a 3km radius from every Australian Aldi store and display advertisements in that particular area. This is a strong brand recall strategy and can help drive customers to Aldi stores. Membership cards Every new customer who visits Aldo store can be offered an opportunity to get a membership card, this membership card will collect points as and when the shopper buys products from Aldi store based on the total bills worth. These membership cards often create a shift in customer behavior (Forbes, 2016). Addition of points and added benefits associated with these points on every shopping will encourage shoppers to visit more often. Word of mouth Word of mouth is a strategy that the firm can also encourage among its consumers. Referring customers can be given certain discount coupons every time someone new referred by them shops from the store for the first time. Discounted Liquor Discounted liquor has become a way of life in Australian markets. Aldi has already begun operations in five places and is offering the cheapest liquor in the country (Perth now, 2017). Expanding this liquor sales to the rest of the country is sure to increase its customer base especially given that liquor is purchased throughout the year. Conclusion Aldi supermarkets have conquered a 13.5% share in a $90bn grocery market of Australia. Its major competitors are Woolworths and Coles. Aldi is a leading brand which has positioned itself in the Australian market by selling high quality products at a lower price. Aldi achieves this low price by procuring directly from farmers and eliminating the middle man, selling their own private brands and not selling over two brands in the same product line. Aldi is also well known for its fast checkout process, which the brand claims is 40% faster than its competitors. Aldi testers club was created to involve customers in brand design by reviewing products based on feedbacks directly from consumers. Besides this, marketing strategies recommended to the firm include introduction of membership cards for continued return of customers to Aldi stores. Selling liquor is expected to add to the firms bottom line and tying up with various Ecommerce websites can help the firm gain more customers and increase their delivery efficiency. References: Aldi Facebook, 2017,, viewed on 12 September, 2017. Aldi Twitter, 2017,, viewed on 12 September, 2017. Aldi, 2017, Proudly Australian made,, viewed on 12 September, 2017. Business Insider, 2015, How Aldi sells groceries for cheaper than Wal-Mart or Trader Joe's,, viewed on 11 September, 2017. Central Western Daily, 2017, Aldi has the cheapest grocery basket in Australia, Choice survey finds,, viewed on 12 September, 2017. Forbes, 2016, 9 things you didnt know about retail loyalty programs,, viewed on 12 September, 2017. Forbes, 2017, Aldi Follows Walmart,, viewed on 11 September, 2017. NBC News, 2004, Big Stores or small,, viewed on 11 September, 2017. Perth Now, 2017, Aldi will start selling alcohol in Perth stores,, viewed on 12 September, 2017. Retail Week, 2013, Campaign of the week: Aldis like brands only cheaper,, viewed on 12 September, 2017. Roy Morgan Research, 2017, Aldi hits a new high in supermarket wars,, viewed on 12 September, 2017. The Australian, 2015, Aldi launches testers club,, viewed on 11 September, 2017. The Australian, 2017, Aldi tells suppliers to meet ethical standards,, viewed on 11 September, 2017. The Sun, 2017, Aldi praised for allowing Muslim checkout worker not to sell Alcohol,, viewed on 12 September, 2017. The Sun, 2017, Aldi reveals how its check out staff scans items so fast,, viewed on 11 September, 2017. YouTube, 2017, Aldi Switch and save TVC Adnews,, viewed on 12 September, 2017.
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