Tuesday, December 24, 2019
Emotional Intelligence On Human Resources - 2198 Words
Emotional Intelligence in Human Resources Emotional Intelligence is a key role for success in the workplace, and it is vital for Human Resource Managers. Human Resources Managers deal with people daily, and Emotional Intelligence should be used in all cases. The ability to know your own emotions and recognize the emotions of others helps in the communication process with other individuals. Management, as well as employees, must exhibit high emotional intelligence in order for the company to grow and function at its highest profitability. As with any other component of a company, emotional intelligence must be the most prevalent in management. Human Resources Managers determine what type of employees the company hires and ultimately keeps.†¦show more content†¦As environment changes, as it does quite often in the workplace, the person with high emotional intelligence can adapt consequently. A person with low emotional intelligence is less equipped to face dilemmas inside or o utside the workplace. A high emotional intelligence gives those employees and managers the advantage of accepting a negative situation and doing everything possible to create a positive outcome. In the workplace, situations that are overly stressful are bound to arise and one with low emotional intelligence will more than likely remain stagnant, not knowing how to handle the mountain of stress to achieve the goal. Emotional Intelligence in Recruiting While searching for new employees, Human Resource Managers must keep an array of necessary skills in the forefront of their mind. More recently, Human Resource Managers are starting to demand employees display a relatively high emotional intelligence along with a high IQ, job experience, stability, and the right personality (Thygesen, 2014). By hiring a person with an already high emotional intelligence, assists the Human Resource Manager and can decrease the amount of conflict that sometimes onboarding a new recruit can cause. In addition, it helps the Human Resources Manager to have someone of a higher caliber on the team that can help with training ofShow MoreRelatedEmotional Intelligence And Human Resource Management1144 Words  | 5 PagesIn the past years, many people have written about emotional intelligence role in the workplace. Experts belong to emotional intelligence (EI) field provides many models and definitions to understand the concept and meaning of emotional intel ligence and its effects on individual’s (Employees, managers, supervisors) performance. As the world is becoming organizational world and as the time passes change is occurring in almost every field. 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Monday, December 16, 2019
Econometrics Free Essays
People management at the Seafood Restaurant, Potato’s. Background From a humble beginning, Rick and Jill Stein established a small seafood restaurant on the harbor side in Potato’s in 1975. The business has expanded to include a number of different food establishments at different price points which appeal to a wide client group, with all but one of the sites based in Potato’s. We will write a custom essay sample on Econometrics or any similar topic only for you Order Now The reputation of the business for quality of food and service, coupled with Rick’s high profile TV appearances, have ensured Patriots place on the map in respect of ‘destination inning. Culture Rick and Jill remain at the head of the business and, with no external shareholders, retain a strong, personal position in terms of the culture and development of the business. More recently, their son Jack who is only 33 has been appointed as Executive Chef. As with many owner-led organizations, the culture of the organization continues to reflect the tolerant, generous, family-spirited ethos of the initial, much smaller business. With expansion and increasing headcount, this culture can however become tested and more challenging to maintain. There is a deed to develop some policies in order to ensure a degree of consistency in how people are managed and set out the behaviors that are expected from employees of all levels in the course of their work. This needs to be achieved in such a way that the culture of the business is retained. Staffing needs and employee constituent Staffing needs reflect the seasonal peaks and troughs of the restaurant business: in the busy season, weekly takings will be six times takings in the quieter season. Headcount needs to rise and fall accordingly. The seasonal maximum headcount is just under 400 employees, with a requirement around 100 less employees out of season. This reduction is achieved through ‘natural wastage’ as many of the seasonal employees are either students or non-students who return year on year to the business also specifically to work in the busy season. Therefore, whilst 1 50 leavers per annum appears at first to be very high level of staff turnover, this is typical for the hospitality industry and very much fits the needs of those workers who Join, leave, and often return the following year. Reflecting the high numbers of students who ark seasonally, the age profile of the business is young: 40% of employees are under 24 years of age. The growth of the business has meant that, for those who Join initially as seasonal workers and then express an interest in a longer-term role with the business, this is often possible. The business is able to recruit new employees as required without the use of recruitment agencies thereby avoiding costly agency fees. The business remained highly profitable through the recession however a number of cost factors led to a reduced profit forecast for 2012: these included capital investment, a programmer of upgrading premises and food and fuel inflation. Additionally, the payroll of the business had increased over time to reflect the growth of the business. In effect, it appears there was no development plan per SE. Rick Stein is quoted as saying: Little did Jill and I know when we opened a small seafood bistro on the harbor side in Potato’s in 1975 with red checked tablecloths and candles in verdict bottles that the business would grow into four restaurants, 40 bedrooms, 3 shops, a cookery school and a pub. We did not have a Master plan. It Just happened†¦ E Just wanted people to stay here for a little while knowing they could eat differently everyday†¦ Despite the unstructured approach to business development plans, turnover among permanent staff is low, and the owners are keen to reward employees with a yearly increment. As passing on the increased costs to customers would have been counterproductive, the logical approach was to consider operational costs and to rethink staffing. In many organizations, this would involve potential redundancies. Rick and Jill did not want to make any employee redundant, and so the HRS function et about considering other approaches to making reductions in payroll expenditure. Location and community Relations with the local, close-knit community are very important to the business which is a major employer in the area. Further expansion could include opening restaurants in other locations: this would bring a fresh set of challenges to the business, not least in respect of people management. Additional information: 1 . Organizational structure 2. Map of Potato’s showing names and locations of Rick and Jill Stein’s businesses Task; For each question below, you should show that you have considered theoretical respective, legal requirements, commercial needs and potential responses from the workforce to come up with balanced solutions and demonstrate that you are aware of any associated risks. Assignment questions: 1 . Identify the current strategic approach to managing people in this organization taking into account advantages and disadvantages. Your answer should include a discussion of how this strategic approach is likely to impact on operational people management issues (for example, recruitment, performance management, staff benefits, absence management, discipline and grievance). If any changes are squired, which approach would you recommend? 2. With the expansion of the business, it has been prudent to consider the development of some policies in order to ensure a degree of consistency in how 2. Which people management policy would you recommend is implemented as the highest priority in the business? 2. 2 Justify your recommendation. 2. 3 Outline the aims and key elements of the policy. 2. 4 Discuss how you would implement this policy: consider how you would ensure managers and employees ‘buy in’ to the policy and identify any potential resistance. 3. At the Seafood Restaurant, Rick and Jill did not want to make any employee attendant, and so the HRS function set about considering other approaches to making reductions in payroll expenditure. . 1 Discuss the benefits to the business of avoiding redundancies. 3. 2 Discuss the possible approaches to reducing payroll expenditure; consider the merits and drawbacks of each approach and identify which you would recommend. 4. Potato’s has been home to the Seafood Restaurant for a considerable length of time and expansion has occurred within the locality. If the business were to expand to another location, what would be the people management considerations in respect of: 4. Recruitment 4. 2 Employee communication 4. Consistency of culture across the business Assignment 1: Assessment Criteria Criteria Excellent Very good Could be better Marks available Theoretical knowledge and critical understanding 30 Evidence of a critical understanding of relevant theories, models and frameworks that inform the situation described by the case study Demonstrates clear understanding of key arguments, debates and contemporary issues/ideas relating to people management Work is informed by clear reference to appropriate literature Application of theoretical knowledge/research to practice Perspectives, arguments, models and frameworks from the literature are clearly applied to the case study scenario Issues of practical and, where relevant, strategic importance for the organization are clearly identified and addressed Practices described in the case study are critically analyses and evaluated through the use and application of relevant academic literature Written Communication and Presentation Referencing/citations follow Harvard protocol Work is written clearly, using appropriate style and language Spelling, grammar and layout are to a professional standard Material is clearly and effectively organized to provide a highly structured, logical and coherent set of arguments Conclusions and recommendations follow logically and are realistic in the context of the scenario Format requirements Please see below ASSIGNMENT 2: REFLECTIVE JOURNAL Individual reflective Journal (30%): You must also produce an individual personal and reflective Journal, which demonstrates that you understand the role and value of reflection for individual development. You should also consider what you have learned on the module, and how it builds on your previous knowledge and experience. You must demonstrate through your reflections how and what you are learning on the module, and reflect on how your skills, ideas and attitudes to people management are developing. This will include identifying any gaps in your existing knowledge or skills and how you plan to work to develop them. You will be encouraged to reflect on a weekly basis and to produce regular entries in your journal enabling you to build this assignment as the module progresses. Your completed Journal is likely to be approximately 1500 words in length. Task You are required to reflect on the learning on this module and produce a Journal. This should be written in report format critically reflecting on what you have learnt and identifying areas of development. Details Final report- word Count: 1 500 words (minus daily logs). The deadlines- see above: This is an individual assignment. Your work should contain: 1 . A clear introduction, introducing the report and your ideas about people management, with a brief comment on your knowledge and skills in relation to this. 2. A brief discussion of your skills at the beginning of the module to include: a. Your views of your own strengths and weaknesses as a potential manager working with people. B. How you will use your opportunities to minimize/overcome weaknesses and potential threats c. Remember to identify development areas. 3. You need to have a section on what you learnt from the module in terms of skills/ knowledge and perhaps how yourself concept has been challenged as a result of participating in activities on the module. A. In addition, you will need to identify consequences of your learning for the future. B. What does this learning mean for your career development? Has it got any relevance? . Evidence of action planning for future development. An indication of short/ tedium/long-term development plan is essential. It is important that you also comment on how you will work on your weaknesses and your measures of success. 5. Regular entries reflecting on your learning on the module. You should aim to reflect on each day/ on a daily basis, either on the Lecture content or sem inar activities, and need to have at least 8 in addition to your introduction and conclusion (Weekly Reflective logs must be put in the appendices as evidence to support contents of your report). 6. A complete list of references used Assignment 2: Assessment Criteria Assessment Criteria: DOD Missing Demonstration of your ability to use reflective writing to: 1. Create a focus for your learning 2. Describe and evaluate your learning 3. Make sense of your learning experiences 4. Demonstrate an understanding of the value of reflection Applying your learning 1 . Identify consequences of your learning for the future 2. Application of learning experiences to your personal/professional development 3. Evidence of action planning for future development Structure and presentation 20 1 . How to cite Econometrics, Papers
Sunday, December 8, 2019
The Social Networking
Question: Social media has become a ubiquitous part of the internet. Since Facebook started in Harvard University in 2004, social networking continues to grow hugely and was used by nearly two billion people in 2014 (eMarketer, Worldwide Social Network Users: 2013 Forecast and Comparative Estimates). In report format, you are required to research, review and compare the following social networking sites: Facebook Ello Experience Project Analyse the type of site, its focus, relevant technical features, audiences, and effectiveness as well as any advantages, disadvantages (e.g. technical or ethical), similarities, and differences between the platforms that you are able to identify. Use referenced case studies to support your arguments. Answer: Introduction The social networking sites in today's world are becoming the greatest media of communication, advertising, and marketing of several products for the individuals as well as companies. About 60 million peoples use the social media sites every day. In the social networking sites, people can share photos and videos, make discussions in groups, play games and can also get the information of several products of different brands (Barden, 2012). In this particular assignment, the discussion is done in the case of explaining the types, features and audiences of the social networking sites such as Facebook, Ello and Experience project. The advantages and disadvantages of these social sites are also given in this report. A comparison is also provided to understand the similarities and differences between the platforms. Facebook Facebook is the most usage social networking sites and has about millions of customers throughout the world. The users of Facebook are not only the general people but also several big organizations. People can share photos, videos and audios along with their friend and families in facebook and also can use it to bring entertainment in their life. Large organizations used Facebook in case of advertising and increasing their popularity throughout the world and receive several new customers (Cullen and Cobb, 2011). The main focus of Facebook is to provide all the facilities regarding entertainment, communications, sharing, playing games and other necessary requirements of their customers. There are several applications of Facebook which can install in every Smartphone in case of making its usage more easily. The case study of Nescafe explains the best usage of Facebook social networking sites to sell their products and to make more customers all over the world. Nescafe made several challenges to their Facebook users and other social media friends in case of providing coffee (Epperson, 2010). A test is implemented by Nescafe using the Facebook users that one can surprise their relatives, friends, etc. with a two cup of coffee and make a better relation to them (Davies, 2012). This experiment is for two month period. One of the users named Arnaud first started this experience and had uploaded about 42 videos that have created more interest to other customers and in few days, the experiment become famous throughout the world. In the result of this, the Nescafe Facebook fans had increased to 400%. For this particular case study, Facebook plays the main role, and it allows several audiences of the brands to follow this experiences. Advantages Uploading facilities for photos, videos, audios, blogs and any other things that the users like to upload. The best communication system provides to the users using which they can communicate with their families, friends and relatives throughout the whole world. Several apps are present which the users can install in Smartphone to make it user-friendly. There is a system of notification that user can get while offline also. Disadvantages Misuse of any post can be done by any users. The bad post can ruin the user's life. All the information of the users can be acquired from their profile by hacking. Ello In the land of social networking, Ello is new to the customers. It is a beautiful social networking site where the users can connect to their friends and families and also can share what most matters to them. It also provides a full-screen design and the best quality images and videos with the name given by the users. The promises are made by Ello that it becomes different from the Facebook. There can be sold off the likes that are created regarding the products to the advertisers. There are several claims that are regarding to other social networking sites that the posts, shares and links that are made by the users of the other social networking sites are tracked and recorded by the advertising companies and are translated to create more advertisements (Eynon, 2014). It means that the users are the products that are used by the organizations to make their advertisements not as the customers. But Ello is something new than the other sites. The claims that Ello do is that it will prov ide ad-free service and the data of the users are not sell to the advertisers. On the other hand, they tried to create some new features to attract more customers. Ello also tried to admire that they will share the observations of the comedians on the internet at a cheaper rate (Gonzales, 2013). In case of doing this Ello created a spoof called Cody. Cody can be defined as the game changer in the future level of social networking that provides a better social experience for their customers. Also, if the users don't have any friends, Owdy will help to become the friend of you. Advantages Users can control what they want to see, it is not required to see unnecessary ads. Service will be ad-free User's data are not sold to the advertisers. High-res images Long form text Disadvantages Services provided to the users are not so good as the Facebook Experience Project In 2006, the Experience Project was launched and being inspired by MS support group through online. It is a free social networking site that the help the people to be a member and can post stories, photos, videos and blogs on the sites (Hart, 2012). It also can be said as an online community. The focus of this site is not on the full topic, most of the time the discussion is done on the basis of single part of the whole topic and all the information and the experiences are provided regarding that part. Something wrong is happening in doing this. It can be said that from the true selves, the labels are more flattered. The work of the Experience Project is done by using a story regarding the uploaded photos that can be done only by the chosen categories (Warhol, 2014). Also, there are several groups in each of the categories. In Facebook as we click a button "Like", here we click a button called "Me Too" Here the title of all the groups is with the first name of the people. Hence, it is required to be careful for the member before clicking the "Me Too". The customers of the Experience Project do not like the site very much. The membership of the Experience Project is pathbreaking due to its stupidity, and also it reduces the popularity of the site (Jackson, 2012). Advantages People with experiences can automatically be a member of the community. A big group can be created regarding the categories Each category has several groups Disadvantages It is required to be sure to get added to a group otherwise it will be difficult to exit from the group. Very low popularity. There are several restrictions in case of policing the content of the users. Comparison The comparison regarding the above discussed three social networking sites such as Facebook, Ello and Experience Project can be done using several issues that have been discussed in the assignment (Kemp, 2011). Among the three sites, the best is the Facebook. Its popularity is increasing day-by-day throughout the whole world. It can be said that the Facebook has covered all other social networking sites using its popularity. Ello is new in the social networking market. It claims to provide best services than Facebook along with ad-free and best communication system. As the customers of the Facebook like the advertiser used the data that are uploaded by the users as a raw material to create more advertisement, Ello assure that they will provide ad-free services and do not use the data to the users as the raw material of the advertiser (Piltz, 2011). Whereas Experience Project is the social networking site that that is not becoming much popular to their users. In any other sites, the c onnections are made on the basis of the known people but in the Experience Project, connections are made on the basis of the experiences that the people had (Surma, 2015). Its functionality is very limited which decrease the interest of the customers. These experiences are categorized into several groups. The people can be the member of any of the group regarding their experiences. Conclusion The social networking sites that are discussed in the above assignment are used to communicate with several people in the world. Facebook is the best social networking site that provides every facility to all the users. As discussed in the given case study, we can say that Facebook not only help the people in making friends, it also helps the organizations to collects data for their advertisement. Ello is the new launched social networking site that provides their services along with the ad-free facility that help the user to control what they want to see. The Experience Project is a social networking site that helps the people to be the member of the category in which they are experienced.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Scarlet Letter And Pearl Essays - English-language Films
Scarlet Letter And Pearl One of the most complex and elaborate characters in The Scarlet Letter is Pearl, the misbegotten offspring of Hester Prynne and Arthur Dimmesdale. Throughout the story Pearl, becomes quite the dynamic little individual, as well as an extremely important symbol- one who is constantly changing. Pearl's involvement in the complex history of her parents inadvertently forced her to be viewed as different and is shunned because of her mother's sin. Pearl is a living scarlet letter to Hester, Dimmesdale and finally the reader, acting as a constant reminder of Hester's, as well as humanity's shortcomings. Hawthorne uses vivid descriptions to characterize Pearl, as he dose to every character thought the story. Pearl is first described as the infant; "...Whose innocent life had sprung, by the inscrutable decree of Providence, a lovely and immortal flower, out of the rank luxuriance of a guilty passion." . From the beginning of her life Pearl is viewed as the result of a sin, and as a punishment. Physically, Pearl has a "Beauty that became every day more brilliant, and the intelligence that threw its quivering sunshine over the tiny features of this child." Pearl is described as beautiful, with a "Beauty that shone with deep and vivid tints' a bright complexion, eyes possessing intensity both of depth and glow, and hair already of a deep, glossy brown, and which, in after years, would be nearly akin to black." Combined with her lavish beauty Hester dresses her child in copious dresses that are the envy of even the finest dressed adults in the town. The lovely dresses and her beauty cause her to be viewed as even stranger from the other typical Puritan children ,whom are dressed in traditional clothing. As a result, she is accepted only by nature and animals, and ostracized by the other Puritan children. "Pearl was a born outcast of the infantile world... the whole peculiarity, in short, of her position in respect to other children.". Pearl was never accepted by the children even though her inescapable seclusion was due to the sin of her mother. If by chance the children would show interest in Pearl she would "grow positively terrible in her puny wrath, snatching up stones to fling at them..." Because of Pearl's seclusion from society nature seemingly sympathizes with Pearl, which is evident by eerie role of the sunshine in the forest. "The light lingered about the lonely child, as if glad of such a playmate," . The sunshine seams almost grateful for Pearl presence, accepting her as an equal, and illuminating her beauty. Perhaps Hawthorn meant this as a biblical illusion to the light of Gods saving grace, and it's welcoming of even the most sinful person. Hawthorne describes another sign of acceptance as the "Great black forest...became the playmate of the lonely infant." . Suggesting Pearl's close association to evil. Eventually it is stated, "The truth seems to be, however, that the mother-forest, and these wild things which it nourished all recognized wildness in the human child." As a result of Pearl not being accepted by the community she takes on the characteristics of nature because nature accepts her as one of its own. Pearl's character "Lacked reference, and adaptation to the world into which she was born. The child could not be made amenable to rules.". This quote reveals a striking resemblance in description between Pearl and nature. Pearl and nature are referred to as not conforming to Puritan society. For the Puritan's sought to destroy (human) nature, and in the Puritan's eyes Pearl sought to destroy them. This characteristic makes Pearl so different from the rest of society that she is unaffected by the community's harsh reaction to her existence and constant disapproval, and is a product of nature and its ways She is extremely intelligent and always asking questions at the most inauspicious times, such as requesting of her illegitimate father to "..Stand here (in public disgrace) with mother and me, to-morrow at noontide" Her mood swings are also quite peculiar. One moment she is laughing for no apparent reason or at some ill form of malice and the next she is filled with an eerie hush. This anomalous behavior is why she is sometimes referred to by the townspeople as the "elf-child" or "imp." The townspeople even refer to her as a "demon offspring." Hester however sees her as a treasure, a blessing resulting from a bad choice, and thus named her pearl for just as a clam produces a beautiful creation as the result of a terrible incident,
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