Tuesday, December 24, 2019
Emotional Intelligence On Human Resources - 2198 Words
Emotional Intelligence in Human Resources Emotional Intelligence is a key role for success in the workplace, and it is vital for Human Resource Managers. Human Resources Managers deal with people daily, and Emotional Intelligence should be used in all cases. The ability to know your own emotions and recognize the emotions of others helps in the communication process with other individuals. Management, as well as employees, must exhibit high emotional intelligence in order for the company to grow and function at its highest profitability. As with any other component of a company, emotional intelligence must be the most prevalent in management. Human Resources Managers determine what type of employees the company hires and ultimately keeps.†¦show more content†¦As environment changes, as it does quite often in the workplace, the person with high emotional intelligence can adapt consequently. A person with low emotional intelligence is less equipped to face dilemmas inside or o utside the workplace. A high emotional intelligence gives those employees and managers the advantage of accepting a negative situation and doing everything possible to create a positive outcome. In the workplace, situations that are overly stressful are bound to arise and one with low emotional intelligence will more than likely remain stagnant, not knowing how to handle the mountain of stress to achieve the goal. Emotional Intelligence in Recruiting While searching for new employees, Human Resource Managers must keep an array of necessary skills in the forefront of their mind. More recently, Human Resource Managers are starting to demand employees display a relatively high emotional intelligence along with a high IQ, job experience, stability, and the right personality (Thygesen, 2014). By hiring a person with an already high emotional intelligence, assists the Human Resource Manager and can decrease the amount of conflict that sometimes onboarding a new recruit can cause. In addition, it helps the Human Resources Manager to have someone of a higher caliber on the team that can help with training ofShow MoreRelatedEmotional Intelligence And Human Resource Management1144 Words  | 5 PagesIn the past years, many people have written about emotional intelligence role in the workplace. Experts belong to emotional intelligence (EI) field provides many models and definitions to understand the concept and meaning of emotional intel ligence and its effects on individual’s (Employees, managers, supervisors) performance. As the world is becoming organizational world and as the time passes change is occurring in almost every field. 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At the point when an individual works, his capacity to acknowledgeRead MoreEmotional Intelligence Is The Single Greatest Indicator Of Execution1096 Words  | 5 Pages It is important to have emotional intelligence because it is the establishment for a large group of basic aptitudes, it affects most all that you say and do every day. Emotional intelligence is the single greatest indicator of execution in the work environment and the most grounded driver of initiative and individual brilliance. Emotional intelligence requires successful correspondence between the sane and enthusiastic focuses of the mind. At the point when an individual works, his capacity toRead MoreHuman Service Organizations : An Exploratory Study By Vicki Wallach And Charles W. Mueller988 Words  | 4 Pagespeople succeed in their career better. It is significant to recognize how human service professionals understand their everyday lives (Prosser, Tuckey, Wendt, 2013, pp. 323-324). 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Emotional Intelligence is a field of study that emerged in the decade of the 90s as a reaction to the approach of merely cognitive intelligence, adding criticism to the opponents of traditional intelligence tests. The term Emotional Intelligence refers to the human ability to feel, understand, monitor and modify emotional states in oneself and in others. Salovey and MayerRead MoreEmotional Intelligence Reflection Paper1558 Words  | 7 Pages 1. Reflect on Your Emotional Intelligence This paper is aimed at evaluating my own emotional intelligence while subsequent parts of the paper will discuss how this emotional intelligence affects other aspects of human life like business, religion and politics. In this part of the paper, I will reflect on and demonstrate the skills and the knowledge needed to enable one to accurately see and understand the emotional strengths, weaknesses and nuances of other workers at the workplace. The parameters
Monday, December 16, 2019
Econometrics Free Essays
People management at the Seafood Restaurant, Potato’s. Background From a humble beginning, Rick and Jill Stein established a small seafood restaurant on the harbor side in Potato’s in 1975. The business has expanded to include a number of different food establishments at different price points which appeal to a wide client group, with all but one of the sites based in Potato’s. We will write a custom essay sample on Econometrics or any similar topic only for you Order Now The reputation of the business for quality of food and service, coupled with Rick’s high profile TV appearances, have ensured Patriots place on the map in respect of ‘destination inning. Culture Rick and Jill remain at the head of the business and, with no external shareholders, retain a strong, personal position in terms of the culture and development of the business. More recently, their son Jack who is only 33 has been appointed as Executive Chef. As with many owner-led organizations, the culture of the organization continues to reflect the tolerant, generous, family-spirited ethos of the initial, much smaller business. With expansion and increasing headcount, this culture can however become tested and more challenging to maintain. There is a deed to develop some policies in order to ensure a degree of consistency in how people are managed and set out the behaviors that are expected from employees of all levels in the course of their work. This needs to be achieved in such a way that the culture of the business is retained. Staffing needs and employee constituent Staffing needs reflect the seasonal peaks and troughs of the restaurant business: in the busy season, weekly takings will be six times takings in the quieter season. Headcount needs to rise and fall accordingly. The seasonal maximum headcount is just under 400 employees, with a requirement around 100 less employees out of season. This reduction is achieved through ‘natural wastage’ as many of the seasonal employees are either students or non-students who return year on year to the business also specifically to work in the busy season. Therefore, whilst 1 50 leavers per annum appears at first to be very high level of staff turnover, this is typical for the hospitality industry and very much fits the needs of those workers who Join, leave, and often return the following year. Reflecting the high numbers of students who ark seasonally, the age profile of the business is young: 40% of employees are under 24 years of age. The growth of the business has meant that, for those who Join initially as seasonal workers and then express an interest in a longer-term role with the business, this is often possible. The business is able to recruit new employees as required without the use of recruitment agencies thereby avoiding costly agency fees. The business remained highly profitable through the recession however a number of cost factors led to a reduced profit forecast for 2012: these included capital investment, a programmer of upgrading premises and food and fuel inflation. Additionally, the payroll of the business had increased over time to reflect the growth of the business. In effect, it appears there was no development plan per SE. Rick Stein is quoted as saying: Little did Jill and I know when we opened a small seafood bistro on the harbor side in Potato’s in 1975 with red checked tablecloths and candles in verdict bottles that the business would grow into four restaurants, 40 bedrooms, 3 shops, a cookery school and a pub. We did not have a Master plan. It Just happened†¦ E Just wanted people to stay here for a little while knowing they could eat differently everyday†¦ Despite the unstructured approach to business development plans, turnover among permanent staff is low, and the owners are keen to reward employees with a yearly increment. As passing on the increased costs to customers would have been counterproductive, the logical approach was to consider operational costs and to rethink staffing. In many organizations, this would involve potential redundancies. Rick and Jill did not want to make any employee redundant, and so the HRS function et about considering other approaches to making reductions in payroll expenditure. Location and community Relations with the local, close-knit community are very important to the business which is a major employer in the area. Further expansion could include opening restaurants in other locations: this would bring a fresh set of challenges to the business, not least in respect of people management. Additional information: 1 . Organizational structure 2. Map of Potato’s showing names and locations of Rick and Jill Stein’s businesses Task; For each question below, you should show that you have considered theoretical respective, legal requirements, commercial needs and potential responses from the workforce to come up with balanced solutions and demonstrate that you are aware of any associated risks. Assignment questions: 1 . Identify the current strategic approach to managing people in this organization taking into account advantages and disadvantages. Your answer should include a discussion of how this strategic approach is likely to impact on operational people management issues (for example, recruitment, performance management, staff benefits, absence management, discipline and grievance). If any changes are squired, which approach would you recommend? 2. With the expansion of the business, it has been prudent to consider the development of some policies in order to ensure a degree of consistency in how 2. Which people management policy would you recommend is implemented as the highest priority in the business? 2. 2 Justify your recommendation. 2. 3 Outline the aims and key elements of the policy. 2. 4 Discuss how you would implement this policy: consider how you would ensure managers and employees ‘buy in’ to the policy and identify any potential resistance. 3. At the Seafood Restaurant, Rick and Jill did not want to make any employee attendant, and so the HRS function set about considering other approaches to making reductions in payroll expenditure. . 1 Discuss the benefits to the business of avoiding redundancies. 3. 2 Discuss the possible approaches to reducing payroll expenditure; consider the merits and drawbacks of each approach and identify which you would recommend. 4. Potato’s has been home to the Seafood Restaurant for a considerable length of time and expansion has occurred within the locality. If the business were to expand to another location, what would be the people management considerations in respect of: 4. Recruitment 4. 2 Employee communication 4. Consistency of culture across the business Assignment 1: Assessment Criteria Criteria Excellent Very good Could be better Marks available Theoretical knowledge and critical understanding 30 Evidence of a critical understanding of relevant theories, models and frameworks that inform the situation described by the case study Demonstrates clear understanding of key arguments, debates and contemporary issues/ideas relating to people management Work is informed by clear reference to appropriate literature Application of theoretical knowledge/research to practice Perspectives, arguments, models and frameworks from the literature are clearly applied to the case study scenario Issues of practical and, where relevant, strategic importance for the organization are clearly identified and addressed Practices described in the case study are critically analyses and evaluated through the use and application of relevant academic literature Written Communication and Presentation Referencing/citations follow Harvard protocol Work is written clearly, using appropriate style and language Spelling, grammar and layout are to a professional standard Material is clearly and effectively organized to provide a highly structured, logical and coherent set of arguments Conclusions and recommendations follow logically and are realistic in the context of the scenario Format requirements Please see below ASSIGNMENT 2: REFLECTIVE JOURNAL Individual reflective Journal (30%): You must also produce an individual personal and reflective Journal, which demonstrates that you understand the role and value of reflection for individual development. You should also consider what you have learned on the module, and how it builds on your previous knowledge and experience. You must demonstrate through your reflections how and what you are learning on the module, and reflect on how your skills, ideas and attitudes to people management are developing. This will include identifying any gaps in your existing knowledge or skills and how you plan to work to develop them. You will be encouraged to reflect on a weekly basis and to produce regular entries in your journal enabling you to build this assignment as the module progresses. Your completed Journal is likely to be approximately 1500 words in length. Task You are required to reflect on the learning on this module and produce a Journal. This should be written in report format critically reflecting on what you have learnt and identifying areas of development. Details Final report- word Count: 1 500 words (minus daily logs). The deadlines- see above: This is an individual assignment. Your work should contain: 1 . A clear introduction, introducing the report and your ideas about people management, with a brief comment on your knowledge and skills in relation to this. 2. A brief discussion of your skills at the beginning of the module to include: a. Your views of your own strengths and weaknesses as a potential manager working with people. B. How you will use your opportunities to minimize/overcome weaknesses and potential threats c. Remember to identify development areas. 3. You need to have a section on what you learnt from the module in terms of skills/ knowledge and perhaps how yourself concept has been challenged as a result of participating in activities on the module. A. In addition, you will need to identify consequences of your learning for the future. B. What does this learning mean for your career development? Has it got any relevance? . Evidence of action planning for future development. An indication of short/ tedium/long-term development plan is essential. It is important that you also comment on how you will work on your weaknesses and your measures of success. 5. Regular entries reflecting on your learning on the module. You should aim to reflect on each day/ on a daily basis, either on the Lecture content or sem inar activities, and need to have at least 8 in addition to your introduction and conclusion (Weekly Reflective logs must be put in the appendices as evidence to support contents of your report). 6. A complete list of references used Assignment 2: Assessment Criteria Assessment Criteria: DOD Missing Demonstration of your ability to use reflective writing to: 1. Create a focus for your learning 2. Describe and evaluate your learning 3. Make sense of your learning experiences 4. Demonstrate an understanding of the value of reflection Applying your learning 1 . Identify consequences of your learning for the future 2. Application of learning experiences to your personal/professional development 3. Evidence of action planning for future development Structure and presentation 20 1 . How to cite Econometrics, Papers
Sunday, December 8, 2019
The Social Networking
Question: Social media has become a ubiquitous part of the internet. Since Facebook started in Harvard University in 2004, social networking continues to grow hugely and was used by nearly two billion people in 2014 (eMarketer, Worldwide Social Network Users: 2013 Forecast and Comparative Estimates). In report format, you are required to research, review and compare the following social networking sites: Facebook Ello Experience Project Analyse the type of site, its focus, relevant technical features, audiences, and effectiveness as well as any advantages, disadvantages (e.g. technical or ethical), similarities, and differences between the platforms that you are able to identify. Use referenced case studies to support your arguments. Answer: Introduction The social networking sites in today's world are becoming the greatest media of communication, advertising, and marketing of several products for the individuals as well as companies. About 60 million peoples use the social media sites every day. In the social networking sites, people can share photos and videos, make discussions in groups, play games and can also get the information of several products of different brands (Barden, 2012). In this particular assignment, the discussion is done in the case of explaining the types, features and audiences of the social networking sites such as Facebook, Ello and Experience project. The advantages and disadvantages of these social sites are also given in this report. A comparison is also provided to understand the similarities and differences between the platforms. Facebook Facebook is the most usage social networking sites and has about millions of customers throughout the world. The users of Facebook are not only the general people but also several big organizations. People can share photos, videos and audios along with their friend and families in facebook and also can use it to bring entertainment in their life. Large organizations used Facebook in case of advertising and increasing their popularity throughout the world and receive several new customers (Cullen and Cobb, 2011). The main focus of Facebook is to provide all the facilities regarding entertainment, communications, sharing, playing games and other necessary requirements of their customers. There are several applications of Facebook which can install in every Smartphone in case of making its usage more easily. The case study of Nescafe explains the best usage of Facebook social networking sites to sell their products and to make more customers all over the world. Nescafe made several challenges to their Facebook users and other social media friends in case of providing coffee (Epperson, 2010). A test is implemented by Nescafe using the Facebook users that one can surprise their relatives, friends, etc. with a two cup of coffee and make a better relation to them (Davies, 2012). This experiment is for two month period. One of the users named Arnaud first started this experience and had uploaded about 42 videos that have created more interest to other customers and in few days, the experiment become famous throughout the world. In the result of this, the Nescafe Facebook fans had increased to 400%. For this particular case study, Facebook plays the main role, and it allows several audiences of the brands to follow this experiences. Advantages Uploading facilities for photos, videos, audios, blogs and any other things that the users like to upload. The best communication system provides to the users using which they can communicate with their families, friends and relatives throughout the whole world. Several apps are present which the users can install in Smartphone to make it user-friendly. There is a system of notification that user can get while offline also. Disadvantages Misuse of any post can be done by any users. The bad post can ruin the user's life. All the information of the users can be acquired from their profile by hacking. Ello In the land of social networking, Ello is new to the customers. It is a beautiful social networking site where the users can connect to their friends and families and also can share what most matters to them. It also provides a full-screen design and the best quality images and videos with the name given by the users. The promises are made by Ello that it becomes different from the Facebook. There can be sold off the likes that are created regarding the products to the advertisers. There are several claims that are regarding to other social networking sites that the posts, shares and links that are made by the users of the other social networking sites are tracked and recorded by the advertising companies and are translated to create more advertisements (Eynon, 2014). It means that the users are the products that are used by the organizations to make their advertisements not as the customers. But Ello is something new than the other sites. The claims that Ello do is that it will prov ide ad-free service and the data of the users are not sell to the advertisers. On the other hand, they tried to create some new features to attract more customers. Ello also tried to admire that they will share the observations of the comedians on the internet at a cheaper rate (Gonzales, 2013). In case of doing this Ello created a spoof called Cody. Cody can be defined as the game changer in the future level of social networking that provides a better social experience for their customers. Also, if the users don't have any friends, Owdy will help to become the friend of you. Advantages Users can control what they want to see, it is not required to see unnecessary ads. Service will be ad-free User's data are not sold to the advertisers. High-res images Long form text Disadvantages Services provided to the users are not so good as the Facebook Experience Project In 2006, the Experience Project was launched and being inspired by MS support group through online. It is a free social networking site that the help the people to be a member and can post stories, photos, videos and blogs on the sites (Hart, 2012). It also can be said as an online community. The focus of this site is not on the full topic, most of the time the discussion is done on the basis of single part of the whole topic and all the information and the experiences are provided regarding that part. Something wrong is happening in doing this. It can be said that from the true selves, the labels are more flattered. The work of the Experience Project is done by using a story regarding the uploaded photos that can be done only by the chosen categories (Warhol, 2014). Also, there are several groups in each of the categories. In Facebook as we click a button "Like", here we click a button called "Me Too" Here the title of all the groups is with the first name of the people. Hence, it is required to be careful for the member before clicking the "Me Too". The customers of the Experience Project do not like the site very much. The membership of the Experience Project is pathbreaking due to its stupidity, and also it reduces the popularity of the site (Jackson, 2012). Advantages People with experiences can automatically be a member of the community. A big group can be created regarding the categories Each category has several groups Disadvantages It is required to be sure to get added to a group otherwise it will be difficult to exit from the group. Very low popularity. There are several restrictions in case of policing the content of the users. Comparison The comparison regarding the above discussed three social networking sites such as Facebook, Ello and Experience Project can be done using several issues that have been discussed in the assignment (Kemp, 2011). Among the three sites, the best is the Facebook. Its popularity is increasing day-by-day throughout the whole world. It can be said that the Facebook has covered all other social networking sites using its popularity. Ello is new in the social networking market. It claims to provide best services than Facebook along with ad-free and best communication system. As the customers of the Facebook like the advertiser used the data that are uploaded by the users as a raw material to create more advertisement, Ello assure that they will provide ad-free services and do not use the data to the users as the raw material of the advertiser (Piltz, 2011). Whereas Experience Project is the social networking site that that is not becoming much popular to their users. In any other sites, the c onnections are made on the basis of the known people but in the Experience Project, connections are made on the basis of the experiences that the people had (Surma, 2015). Its functionality is very limited which decrease the interest of the customers. These experiences are categorized into several groups. The people can be the member of any of the group regarding their experiences. Conclusion The social networking sites that are discussed in the above assignment are used to communicate with several people in the world. Facebook is the best social networking site that provides every facility to all the users. As discussed in the given case study, we can say that Facebook not only help the people in making friends, it also helps the organizations to collects data for their advertisement. Ello is the new launched social networking site that provides their services along with the ad-free facility that help the user to control what they want to see. The Experience Project is a social networking site that helps the people to be the member of the category in which they are experienced.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Scarlet Letter And Pearl Essays - English-language Films
Scarlet Letter And Pearl One of the most complex and elaborate characters in The Scarlet Letter is Pearl, the misbegotten offspring of Hester Prynne and Arthur Dimmesdale. Throughout the story Pearl, becomes quite the dynamic little individual, as well as an extremely important symbol- one who is constantly changing. Pearl's involvement in the complex history of her parents inadvertently forced her to be viewed as different and is shunned because of her mother's sin. Pearl is a living scarlet letter to Hester, Dimmesdale and finally the reader, acting as a constant reminder of Hester's, as well as humanity's shortcomings. Hawthorne uses vivid descriptions to characterize Pearl, as he dose to every character thought the story. Pearl is first described as the infant; "...Whose innocent life had sprung, by the inscrutable decree of Providence, a lovely and immortal flower, out of the rank luxuriance of a guilty passion." . From the beginning of her life Pearl is viewed as the result of a sin, and as a punishment. Physically, Pearl has a "Beauty that became every day more brilliant, and the intelligence that threw its quivering sunshine over the tiny features of this child." Pearl is described as beautiful, with a "Beauty that shone with deep and vivid tints' a bright complexion, eyes possessing intensity both of depth and glow, and hair already of a deep, glossy brown, and which, in after years, would be nearly akin to black." Combined with her lavish beauty Hester dresses her child in copious dresses that are the envy of even the finest dressed adults in the town. The lovely dresses and her beauty cause her to be viewed as even stranger from the other typical Puritan children ,whom are dressed in traditional clothing. As a result, she is accepted only by nature and animals, and ostracized by the other Puritan children. "Pearl was a born outcast of the infantile world... the whole peculiarity, in short, of her position in respect to other children.". Pearl was never accepted by the children even though her inescapable seclusion was due to the sin of her mother. If by chance the children would show interest in Pearl she would "grow positively terrible in her puny wrath, snatching up stones to fling at them..." Because of Pearl's seclusion from society nature seemingly sympathizes with Pearl, which is evident by eerie role of the sunshine in the forest. "The light lingered about the lonely child, as if glad of such a playmate," . The sunshine seams almost grateful for Pearl presence, accepting her as an equal, and illuminating her beauty. Perhaps Hawthorn meant this as a biblical illusion to the light of Gods saving grace, and it's welcoming of even the most sinful person. Hawthorne describes another sign of acceptance as the "Great black forest...became the playmate of the lonely infant." . Suggesting Pearl's close association to evil. Eventually it is stated, "The truth seems to be, however, that the mother-forest, and these wild things which it nourished all recognized wildness in the human child." As a result of Pearl not being accepted by the community she takes on the characteristics of nature because nature accepts her as one of its own. Pearl's character "Lacked reference, and adaptation to the world into which she was born. The child could not be made amenable to rules.". This quote reveals a striking resemblance in description between Pearl and nature. Pearl and nature are referred to as not conforming to Puritan society. For the Puritan's sought to destroy (human) nature, and in the Puritan's eyes Pearl sought to destroy them. This characteristic makes Pearl so different from the rest of society that she is unaffected by the community's harsh reaction to her existence and constant disapproval, and is a product of nature and its ways She is extremely intelligent and always asking questions at the most inauspicious times, such as requesting of her illegitimate father to "..Stand here (in public disgrace) with mother and me, to-morrow at noontide" Her mood swings are also quite peculiar. One moment she is laughing for no apparent reason or at some ill form of malice and the next she is filled with an eerie hush. This anomalous behavior is why she is sometimes referred to by the townspeople as the "elf-child" or "imp." The townspeople even refer to her as a "demon offspring." Hester however sees her as a treasure, a blessing resulting from a bad choice, and thus named her pearl for just as a clam produces a beautiful creation as the result of a terrible incident,
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
American Revolution Essay
American Revolution Essay American Revolution Essay The American Revolution The French and Indian War 1756- 1763 oThe French and Indian War was also known as The Seven Year’s War. oBritain and France both had colonies in North America. oThe French only wanted to trade with the Native American’s who lived there. They did not want to settle on their land. oThe British wanted to trade with the Native American’s and settle on their land. oThe Native American’s liked the French because they didn’t want to settle on their land and did not like The British. oThe Native American’s and French fought against the British. oThe war ended with the signing of The Proclamation of 1763. 2 The Proclamation of 1763 oThe French and Indian War ended in 1763 when The Proclamation of 1763 was signed. oIt said the Indians owned the land they lived on and the white settlers had to leave. oThe land west of the heads of all rivers that ran into the Atlantic Ocean from the west or northwest were only for Native Americans. o This made the Native Americans happy because now settlers and traders could not enter their area without permission. oThe colonists were mad because they didn’t think they were being treated equally. oThe colonist were also upset because it seemed like Britain wasn’t doing anything that benefited or helped them. oThe Proclamation of 1763 indirectly caused the American Revolution, which formed America! 3 oThe sugar act was a tax placed on sugar, molasses, coffee , indigo ,and some wines. oThe sugar act was passed by the British Parliament as a way of paying for the French and Indian War (7 Years War). oThe colonist didn't like the tax , it made them mad and they spoke out again it. oThe colonist wrote angry letters and some people even smuggled the taxed goods into their homes oIf the colonist got caught sneaking the goods into their houses they had to go to court and paid a fine. The Sugar Act of 1765 4 The Quartering Act of 1765 oIn 1765 the British passed the Quartering Act. oThe Act allowed Great Britain's soldiers to stay in barracks and public houses in the colonies. oIf more British Soldiers needed housing than was available in barracks or public houses they could live in ale houses, inns, private houses that sold alcohol or wine and animal stables. oThe colonist were forced to provided housing and food to the British soldiers. oThis made the colonist mad because they were forced to open their homes and feed British soldiers at their own expense. oThe close contact with the British soldiers did not create good feelings between the British and the colonist. 5 oThe stamp act was passed on March 22, 1765 by the British Parliament. oThis new tax on colonist made them pay tax on every single piece of paper they used. oThe tax was on ship's papers, legal documents, newspaper, licenses and even playing cards. oThis tax was suppose to be used to pay for the cost of protecting and defending the American frontier. oThe colonist were mad because they thought England was trying to collect money in the colonies without permission from the colonial legislature Stamp Act of 1765 6 Townshend Acts of 1767 oThis Townshend acts were passed in 1767. oThis act put tax on all goods that the colonist imported. oTax was put on glass, lead, paints, paper and tea. oThe colonist didn't like this tax and thought it was unfair. oSome of the colonist smuggled the goods in because they couldn’t afforded the taxes. oThe British sent soldiers to Boston and the soldiers went into homes searching for smuggled goods. oThe colonist weren't going to take it any more so they protested. oThe protest from the colonist were so bad that the British changed the act so only tea would be taxed. 7 The Boston Massacre of 1770 oThe colonist were really unhappy with the British and there was allot of anger between them. oThe colonist felt the American Revolution Essay American Revolution Essay How revolutionary was the American Revolution? One of the most important American leaders of the American Revolution, George Washington states that the enemy (The British) leaves them no choice but to bravely resist. They either win, or they die†¦ but if they die, they are not dying for no reason but for their country’s honor. A revolution is a sudden or complete marked change in something. Some revolutions may cause little change while others can cause dramatic changes. Lets talk about revolution, in specific, the American Revolution. The American Revolution was caused by many reasons, one of them being taxation without representation, etc. The Americans revolted against Great Britain. So, how revolutionary was the American Revolution? Overall the American Revolution caused a dramatic change in everything; hence, we can say that the American Revolution was pretty revolutionary. There was a huge change politically wise, socially, and as well as a change in economics. Although, some may say that the American Revolution wasn’t as revolutionary because the rich still had more power and women still had little rights and because there were still slaves. To some extent that was true in the beginning after the American Revolution ended, but things dramatically changed over time. Before, the social class you were born into was the social class you stayed in for the rest of your life, which changed after the American Revolution. We are now able to come from a not so wealthy family and work hard to change our future and become wealthy, educated people, which you weren’t able to do before the American Revolution. Women gained rights and equality on August 18,1920. Sure, women gained rights 137 years after the American Revolution but keep in mind that it would’ve never happened if the American Revolution hadn’t occurred. America also abolished slavery on December 6, 1865 and we would’ve most likely still have slavery to this day if it weren’t for the American Revolu tion. Therefore, yes the American Revolution was pretty darn revolutionary if you ask me. There was a political change after the American Revolution in which the colonist rejected monarchy and instead adopted democracy as a form of government. Monarchy is a form of government in which a king or queen rules a country. Democracy is basically a government ruled by the people in which the people get to elect representatives and vote for laws. The colonist had enough of the British government; they felt that they were only considered British subjects when British needed them to do something that would benefit them (the British). In 1770 some slaves and colonist worked together to destroy or bring down King George the III’s statue in New York. They worked together because they had a common enemy. (Document 1) I can infer what motivated the colonist to want to destroy the kings statute which is the Boston massacre that had just happened on March 5, 1770 which only made the colonist s rage towards the king grow stronger. The Boston massacre was a street fight between British soldiers and colonist or patriots, the patriots began throwing snowballs, stones and sticks to the British soldiers and the soldiers fired into the crowd killing 5 and wounding 11 men. Also, colonist felt as if they didn’t have a say in anything. The British began raising the taxes on everything and the colonists felt it was unfair because they were not properly being represented in parliament, which is where the saying â€Å"No taxation without representation†comes from. They had someone â€Å"representing†the colonist but it wasn’t someone who knew what the colonist had to go through so nobody was really speaking up for them or for they’re needs, also they didn’t get to elect the representative, he was appointed by the British government. The revolutionary war caused a huge social revolution. People began to think of themselves as free men and w omen who had natural rights and didn’t have to be controlled
Friday, November 22, 2019
Chinese New Year and the Kitchen God
Chinese New Year and the Kitchen God The Kitchen God is assigned by Yu Huang, the emperor of heaven, to watch over each family and record what they do throughout the year. A paper picture of the Kitchen God is hung in a prominent location in the kitchen. Each year during Chinese New Year, the Kitchen God returns to heaven to report on what the family has done throughout the year. The family has a thank you dinner in which a bowl of sticky rice is placed in front of the Kitchen God. It is believed that if the Kitchen God’s mouth is full of glutinous rice, he will not be able to speak about the family’s activities. Others give glutinous rice balls served in sugar soup and brown sugar bars as a bribe for the Kitchen God to say favorable things about the family. After the thank you dinner, the picture of the Kitchen God is burned and thereby sent back to heaven. A new picture of the Kitchen God is hung in the kitchen after the start of Chinese New Year festivities.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Employment-At-Will Doctrine Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Employment-At-Will Doctrine - Essay Example Given her educational background, it is already a behavioral and attitude issue more than learning issue. Also, given that she had a chance to perform and still did not even after months of training and support, it would be appropriate to talk to her about her performance (there might other factors why has learning issue such as personal problems) that if she does not improve, she may be asked to leave the company. After months of dismal performance even with training and support is already enough ground to terminate her employment â€Å"at will†unless otherwise stated or implied that she has contract with the company (Gibson et al., 2010). 2. The employee tends to burst into a rage when criticized and is frequently late to work as noticed by her boss and other staff members. When her boss attempts to address her behavioral issues and the company late policy, the employee’s response is that she â€Å"knows her rights and what to do†if she is wrongfully discharg ed. She also says she took a business law class in undergrad that taught her â€Å"everything she needs to know about exceptions to the employment-at-will doctrine and wrongful discharge in violation of public policy†. ... There are only few categories in the exemptions of the employment of will that can be invoked which are discrimination, public policy exemptions, implied contractual relationship and Sabarnes Oxley Act (Radin and Werhane, 2003). Tardiness is both attitude and performance issue which does not fall into the exemptions of â€Å"employment of will†and is a valid ground for termination. 3. The employee takes a day off from work, without management consent, for her religious holiday observance that falls on a day that is during â€Å"tax season†. The day off occurred during an incredibly busy period for the company during which the employer had notified all employees they were not allowed to take off without prior management approval. Also, there is no labor union for accountants. However, she begins talking to her co-workers during lunch breaks and sometimes during regular work hours, encouraging them to organize and form a union to â€Å"protect ourselves†. Describe what steps you would take to address the following scenario involving policies and procedures: It may be tempting to â€Å"fire†the employee to get rid of the many problems she brings but that would not be a prudent course of action for the management. Firing her might be construed as a discrimination against her religion and an exemption for â€Å"employment at will†(Sennel, 2008). In addition, the company might also be accused of either discriminating against fair labor practice or might fall in the exception of Sabarnes Oxley Act as the action might be construed as retaliation for the employee’s intention to put up a union or report some perceived wrong doings. It is more advisable to write her up for the absence during the peak season and talk to her about her talk of organizing a union. Her immediate
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Busiess Taxation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Busiess Taxation - Essay Example this expenditure is not an operational variable, it is charged in the balance sheet as an asset rather than expenditure in the profit and loss account. However, usage of the fixed asset over time is shown in the profit and loss account as a depreciating charge. Tax is applicable for companies on profit figure at the end of the tax year. Since the tax is fixed rate, the higher the profit the company shows, the higher tax it has to pay. Therefore to evade paying higher taxes, companies understate their profits by depreciating their fixed assets on a high value. This reduces the profit and hence the tax payable. Since this practise promotes immoral and unfair picture of the accounts, the government of UK introduced the concept of Capital Allowance through corporation tax. The case of IR Commrs vs Duke of Westminster (1936), exactly points out this need where it states that everyone â€Å"is entitled, if he can, to order his affairs, so that the tax attaching under the appropriate acts is less than it would otherwise be†. The government has fixed a rate of relief that is received on the purchase of capital goods. Companies can claim this type of tax relief when buying and investing. In practice this does the exact same thing a depreciation does since a company is able to set off a proportion of the costs of purchases against the profits it makes so that the total tax bill is reduced. Most capital allowances allow you to write off a percentage of the value of the asset against profits over several years. They are available at a variety of rates and these rates depend on the product bought, the time it was bought in, the nature of the asset and the size of your business. (Georgina, 2006; S. J. D. 2007) As mentioned in the previous section, tax relief can be claimed by companies on the purchase of capital goods. According to the Business Links Website, these capital allowances are available on three types of products, plant and machinery, buildings and research and
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Banned Books Essay Example for Free
Banned Books Essay Throughout history, books have been the target of censorship. At times, these books are even banned from schools and public libraries because the content in them is thought to be too offensive. For this assignment, you will be reading one of these banned books. Which book you read is your decision, however you should keep in mind the appropriateness of your choice- make sure it is a book that your parents would not find objectionable. After you have read the book, you will be writing a persuasive essay defending whether or not the book should or should not be banned from a middle school library. Your essay should include a paragraph that summarizes the book as well as three logical, defendable reasons why the book should or should not be banned from a middle school library. While you may look up the reasons why the book has been challenged in the past, the thoughts expressed in the paper must be your own. You are expected to use the information about persuasive essays learned in class to format this paper. A rubric outlining the expectations will be posted on my Teacher Page. Your essay must be typed and follow the standard requirements for an essay: double-spaced, Times New Roman, one-inch margins. Any secondary sources or research that you use must be documented with in-text citations and included on a Works Cited page. If, at any time, you have questions regarding the book you are reading or the essay you are writing, please ask me.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
The Healthcare Industry of America; An investigative look at HMOs Essa
The Healthcare Industry of America: An investigative look at HMO's It's no secret that Health Maintenance Organizations, known as HMO's, have made healthcare affordable for many Americans, but at what risks? Most employers offer some type of health care plan that is an HMO. Let's face it, given the choice among insurance coverage through your employer, in which he pays half the costs, or acquiring private insurance coverage outside your employer, most Americans choose to go with employer-provided HMO's. Why then, has there been so much controversy with HMO's? An HMO is an organization whereby the subscriber, or patient, is allowed to choose a medical provider from a list of doctors within a certain medical group. Each physician has signed a contract to see patients at a reduced rate. This type of plan does not allow the patient freedom to see just any doctor. All referrals to a doctor, other than the patient's primary care physician, must be approved by both that physician, and the insurance company. Most physicians add HMO's as a supplement to their practices. With HMO's, the patient has little or no co-payment depending on how the plan is set up. Most HMO co-payments range between $5 to $15 dollars per office visit. The doctor, may receive half or less than half of his normal fee from the insurance companies. HMO's are characterized with the tendency to over or under treat patients. HMO's put limitations not only on the income of the provider, but also on the type of treatment that may be done. If a patient is in need of a specialist fo r a specific ailment, the insurance company has to review and approve a referral and deem it necessary. The process involves the patient going to his or her general practitioner, also re... ...he pros. It helps immensely if you have the support of your primary care physician. If you have a hearing, find out how many people will be there and make up a folder for each one. a). Contact local lawmakers, senators, representatives. b). Contact your State Insurance Commission in writing about your complaint. Send copies of correspondence between you and your HMO. Let the HMO know you are contacting your State Insurance Commission. Works Cited Evans, M. Stanton. "If you're in an HMO, here's why." Consumers' Research Magazine, Dec. 1997 p10(6). Sherrid, Pamela. "Mismanaged Care." U.S. News & World Report, Nov. 24, 1997 p57(3). Lowenberg, Stanley C. "Hard Path to HMO reform." Los Angeles Times, Feb. 2, 1998 pB(4) col. 1. Figueroa, Liz. "State Regulations of Healthcare Reform." Los Angeles Times, March 4, 1998 pB(6) col. 4. The Healthcare Industry of America; An investigative look at HMO's Essa The Healthcare Industry of America: An investigative look at HMO's It's no secret that Health Maintenance Organizations, known as HMO's, have made healthcare affordable for many Americans, but at what risks? Most employers offer some type of health care plan that is an HMO. Let's face it, given the choice among insurance coverage through your employer, in which he pays half the costs, or acquiring private insurance coverage outside your employer, most Americans choose to go with employer-provided HMO's. Why then, has there been so much controversy with HMO's? An HMO is an organization whereby the subscriber, or patient, is allowed to choose a medical provider from a list of doctors within a certain medical group. Each physician has signed a contract to see patients at a reduced rate. This type of plan does not allow the patient freedom to see just any doctor. All referrals to a doctor, other than the patient's primary care physician, must be approved by both that physician, and the insurance company. Most physicians add HMO's as a supplement to their practices. With HMO's, the patient has little or no co-payment depending on how the plan is set up. Most HMO co-payments range between $5 to $15 dollars per office visit. The doctor, may receive half or less than half of his normal fee from the insurance companies. HMO's are characterized with the tendency to over or under treat patients. HMO's put limitations not only on the income of the provider, but also on the type of treatment that may be done. If a patient is in need of a specialist fo r a specific ailment, the insurance company has to review and approve a referral and deem it necessary. The process involves the patient going to his or her general practitioner, also re... ...he pros. It helps immensely if you have the support of your primary care physician. If you have a hearing, find out how many people will be there and make up a folder for each one. a). Contact local lawmakers, senators, representatives. b). Contact your State Insurance Commission in writing about your complaint. Send copies of correspondence between you and your HMO. Let the HMO know you are contacting your State Insurance Commission. Works Cited Evans, M. Stanton. "If you're in an HMO, here's why." Consumers' Research Magazine, Dec. 1997 p10(6). Sherrid, Pamela. "Mismanaged Care." U.S. News & World Report, Nov. 24, 1997 p57(3). Lowenberg, Stanley C. "Hard Path to HMO reform." Los Angeles Times, Feb. 2, 1998 pB(4) col. 1. Figueroa, Liz. "State Regulations of Healthcare Reform." Los Angeles Times, March 4, 1998 pB(6) col. 4.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Socialcultural Influences on Consumer Behavior
Sociocultural Influences on Consumer Behavior. Marketing Trey Hampton September 22, 2012 There are lots of influences that take place on what consumers buy, these influences are called sociocultural influences. Sociocultural influences â€Å"involve personal influence, reference groups, family influence, culture, and subculture. †(Kerin, Hartley & Rudelius 108) Out of these categories, personal influence seems to have the biggest influence of all on what people buy. â€Å"A consumer’s purchases are often influenced by the views, opinions, or behaviors of others. (Kerin, Hartley & Rudelius 108) If it works for others, it will work for me is how this influence works. Two types of influences fall under personal influence, opinion leadership, and word of mouth. People seem to buy what they hear is good, rather than taking a shot in the dark and buying something they know nothing about, this is called word of mouth influence. Companies using celebrities to say their product works and is great is an example of opinion leadership. If someone famous uses it, it must be good! A company that uses personal influence to help sell their products is Gaspari Nutrition (www.Gasparinutrition. com). Gaspari nutrition uses big time champion bodybuilders, such as Flex Lewis, in their advertisement saying I use the product so the consumer believes that taking that product will surely give the same results. Also word of mouth plays a part on their success. At the gym they line the shelves with Gaspari products and the person selling them say â€Å"I take this every day, it gives real results. †However, it is common for people that not like their products and they will tell you how they wasted money on something that doesn’t work.All companies will have good and bad influences on their products, but if the product is good it shall overcome the bad and help the company succeed. Influence is everywhere for the good, or for the bad. People get influenced by seeing someone they idol using the product, or simply hearing how good it is by a friend. Influence has always been around and always will be. It’s a powerful thing that makes or breaks companies today. References: Kerin, Roger A. , Hartley, Steven W. , and Rudelius, William. (2011). Marketing The Core. (4th edition). New York McGraw-Hill/Irwin
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Fool Chapter 17
ACT III Jesters do oft prove prophets. – King Lear, Act V, Scene 3, Regan SEVENTEEN REIGNING FOOLS, HAILING NUTTERS â€Å"Blow, wind, crack your cheeks! Rage! Blow!†thundered Lear. The old man had perched himself on the top of a hill outside Gloucester and was shouting into the wind like a bloody lunatic, even as lightning raked the sky with white-hot claws and thunder shook me to my ribs. â€Å"Come in from there, you bloody decrepit old looney!†said I, huddled under a holly bush nearby; drenched and cold and at the end of my patience with the old man. â€Å"Come back to Gloucester and ask shelter from your daughters.†â€Å"Oh, ye heartless gods! Send your oak-cleaving thunderbolts down on me! Burn me with your sulfurous and life-ending fires! Singe my white head and reduce me to a pillar of ash! Strike me dead! Let your wrath take fiery form and smite me! Take me, spare no violence! I do not blame thee, thou art not my daughters! I've given you nothing and expect no quarter! Do your horrible pleasure direct, To a poor, infirm, despised old man! Crack the sky! Strike me dead!†The old man paused as a thunderbolt split a tree on the heath with blinding fire and a noise that would send statues to shitting themselves. I ran out from under my bush to the king's side. â€Å"Come in, nuncle. Take some shelter under a shrub, if only to take the sting out of the rain.†â€Å"I need no shelter. Let nature take her naked revenge.†â€Å"Fine, then,†said I. â€Å"Then you won't be needing this.†I took the old man's heavy fur cape, tossed him my sodden woolen cloak, and retreated to my shrubbery and the relative shelter of the heavy animal skin. â€Å"Hey?†said Lear, bewildered. â€Å"Go on,†said I. â€Å"Crack the sky, fry your old head, mash your balls, et cetera, et cetera. I'll prompt you if you lose your place.†And off he went again: â€Å"Mighty Thor, send your thunderbolts to cease this weary heart! Neptune's waves, beat these limbs from their joints! Hecate's claws, tear my liver and sup upon my soul! Baal, blast my bowels from their unhealthy home! Jupiter, strew the land with my shredded muscle!†The old man stopped his tirade for a moment and the madness went out of his eyes. He looked to me. â€Å"It's really fucking cold out here.†â€Å"Like being struck by a bolt of the bloody obvious on the road to Damascus, innit, nuncle?†I held open the great fur cloak and nodded for the old man to join me in it under my shrubbery. He crept down the hill, careful not to slip in the rivulets of mud and water that cascaded by, and ducked under the cover with me.†The old man shuddered and put his skeletal arm around my shoulders. â€Å"Rather closer than we're accustomed to, eh, boy?†â€Å"Aye, nuncle, did I ever tell you that you are a very attractive man?†said Jones, poking his puppety head out of the cloak. And the old man began to laugh, and he laughed until his shoulders shook and the laughter broke into a jarring cough, and that continued until I thought he might expectorate vital organs. I caught some freezing rain in my cupped hand and held it for him to sip. â€Å"Don't make me laugh, boy. I'm mad with grief and rage and I've no stomach for jests. You should stand clear, lest a thunderbolt scorch you when the gods heed my challenge.†â€Å"Nuncle, begging pardon, but, you arrogant old tosser! The gods aren't going to strike you down with a thunderbolt simply because you asked them. Why would they accommodate you with a thunderbolt? More likely a carbuncle, festered and gone fatal, or perhaps a thankless child or two, being how the gods love their irony.†â€Å"The cheek!†said Lear. â€Å"Oh yes, cheeky gods they are,†said I. â€Å"And you named off a bushel of them, too. Now if you are struck down we won't even know who to blame unless lightning brands a signature in your old hide. You should have dared one, then waited an hour perhaps before calling fire down from the whole lot at a go.†The king wiped rain out of his eyes. â€Å"I've set a thousand monks and nuns to pray for my forgiveness and the pagans slaughter goats by the herd for my salvation, but I fear it is not enough. Not once did I act in the interest of my people, not once did I act in the interest of my wives or my daughters' mothers – I have served myself as god and I find I am little forgiving. Be kind, Pocket, lest you one day face the darkness as I do. Or, in absence of kindness, be drunk.†â€Å"But, nuncle,†said I. â€Å"I do not need to be cautious for the day when I become frail. I am frail now. And on the bright side, there may be no God at all, and the evil deeds you've done will be their own reward.†â€Å"Perhaps I don't even rate a righteous slaughtering,†sobbed Lear. â€Å"The gods have sent these daughters to suck out my life blood. It is punishment for how I treated my own father. Do you know how I became king?†â€Å"Pulled a sword out of a stone and slayed a dragon with it, didn't you?†â€Å"No, that never happened.†â€Å"Sodding convent education. Buggered if I know then, nuncle. How did Lear become king?†â€Å"My own father, I murdered him. I do not deserve a noble death.†I was speechless. I had been in service of the king over a decade and never had I heard of this. The story went that old King Bladud had handed the kingdom over to Lear and went to Athens, where he learned to be a necromancer, then returned to Britain and died from the plague in service of the goddess Minerva at the temple at Bath. But before I could gather my wits for a reply, lightning cracked the sky, illuminating a hulking creature that was making its way across the hillside toward us. â€Å"What's that?†I asked. â€Å"A demon,†said the old man. â€Å"The gods have sent a monster to take their revenge on me.†The thing was covered in slime, and walking as if it had just been constructed from the very earth over which it slogged. I felt for the daggers at the small of my back and pulled one from its sheath. There'd be no knife throwing in this downpour – I wasn't even sure I could hold the blade steady for a thrust. â€Å"Your sword, Lear,†said I. â€Å"Draw and defend.†I stood and stepped out of the shelter of the shrubbery. I spun Jones so his stick end was at the ready, and drew a flourish in the air with my dagger. â€Å"Come hither, demon! Pocket's got a coach ride back to the underworld for thee.†I crouched, thinking to leap aside as the thing lunged. Although it described the shape of a man, I could see long slimy tendrils dragging from it, and mud oozing off of it. Once it stumbled I'd leap on its back and see if I could cause it to fall and slide down the hillside, away from the old king. â€Å"No, let it take me,†said Lear. Suddenly the old man shrugged off his fur cloak and charged at the monster, his arms wide, as if offering his very heart to the beast. â€Å"Slay me, ye merciless god – rend this black heart from Britain's chest!†I could not stop him and the old man fell into the beast's arms. But to my surprise, there was no tearing of limbs or bashing of brains. The thing caught the old man and lowered him gently to the ground. I lowered my blade and inched forward. â€Å"Leave him, beast.†The thing was kneeling over Lear, whose eyes were rolled back in his head even as he twitched as if in a fit. The beast looked at me and I saw streaks of pink through the mud, the whites of its eyes. â€Å"Help me,†it said. â€Å"Help me get him to shelter.†I stepped forth and wiped the mud away from the thing's face. It was a man, covered with mud so thick it even ran out of his mouth and coated his teeth, but a man just the same, vines or rags, I couldn't tell which, trailed off his arms. â€Å"Help poor Tom bring him out of the cold,†said he. I sheathed my dagger, retrieved the old man's cape, and helped the muddy, naked bloke carry King Lear into the wood. It was a tiny cabin, barely enough room to stand in, but the fire was warm and the old woman stirred a pot that smelled of boiling meat and onions, like breath of the Muses it was, on this dank night. Lear stirred, now hours since we brought him in from the rain. The king reclined on a pallet of straw and skins. His fur cloak still steamed by the fire. â€Å"Am I dead?†asked the old man. â€Å"Nay, nuncle, but ye were close enough to lick death's salty taint,†said I. â€Å"Back, foul fiend!†said the naked fellow, waving at the very air before his eyes. I had helped him wash away much of the mud, so now he was merely filthy and mad, but no longer misshapen. â€Å"Oh, poor Tom is cold! So cold.†â€Å"Aye, we can tell that,†said I. â€Å"Unless you're just a crashingly large bloke what was born with a willie the size of a raisin.†â€Å"The fiend makes Tom eat the swimming frog, the tadpole, lizards, and ditch-water – I eat cow dung for salads and swallow rats and bits of dead dogs. I drink pond scum, and in every village I am beaten and thrown into stocks. Away, fiend! Leave poor, cold Tom alone!†â€Å"Blimey,†said I. â€Å"The loonies are in full bloom tonight.†â€Å"I offered him some stewed mutton,†said the old woman by the fire, without turning, â€Å"but no, he had to have his frogs and cow pies. Right fussy eater for a naked nutter.†â€Å"Pocket,†said Lear, clawing at my arm. â€Å"Who is that large, naked chap?†â€Å"He calls himself Tom, nuncle. Says he's pursued by the devil.†â€Å"He must have daughters. See here, Tom, did you give all to your daughters? Is that what drove you mad and poor even until you are naked?†Tom crawled across the floor until he was at Lear's side. â€Å"I was a vain and selfish servant,†said the nutter. â€Å"I slept with my mistress every night and woke thinking of putting it to her again in the morning. I drank and caroused and made merry, even while my half brother fought a crusade for a Church for which he held no faith. I took all without thought for those who had nothing. Now I have nothing – not a stitch, not a crumb, not a coin, and the devil dogs me to the ends of the earth for my selfishness.†â€Å"You see,†said Lear, â€Å"only a man's cruel daughters could drive him to such a state.†â€Å"He didn't say that, you daft geezer. He said he was a selfish libertine and the devil took his kit.†The old woman turned now. â€Å"Aye, the fool's right. The younger nutter has no daughters, 'tis his own unkindness that curses him.†She crossed the cabin with two steaming bowls of stew and set them before us on the floor. â€Å"And it's your own evil hounds you, Lear, not your daughters.†The old woman, I'd seen her before. She was one of the crones from the Great Birnam Wood. Different togs and somewhat less green, but this was surely Rosemary, the cat-toed witch. Lear slid to the floor and grabbed poor Tom's hand. â€Å"I have been selfish. I have thought nothing of the weight of my deeds. My own father I imprisoned in the temple at Bath because he was a leper, and later had him killed. My own brother I did murder when I suspected him of bedding my queen. No trial, not even the honor of a challenge. I had him murdered in his sleep without proof. And my queen is dead, too, for my jealousy. My kingdom is the fruit of treachery, and treachery have I reaped. I do not deserve to even wear clothes on my back. You are true, Tom, that you have nothing. I, too, shall have nothing, as is my just reward!†The old man began to tear off his clothes, ripping at the collar of his shirt, tearing more of his parchment-like skin than the linen. I stayed his hand, held his wrists and tried to catch his eye with my own, to pull him back from madness. â€Å"Oh, I have wronged my sweet Cordelia!†the old man wailed. â€Å"The only one who loved me and I have wronged her! My one true daughter! Gods, tear these clothes from my back, tear the meat from my bones!†Then I felt claws clamp on my own wrists and I was pulled away from Lear as if I had been drawn by heavy iron shackles. â€Å"Let him suffer,†hissed the witch in my ear. â€Å"But I have made this pain,†said I. â€Å"Lear's pain is of his own making, fool,†she said. With that I felt the room spinning and I heard the voice of the girl ghost telling me to sleep. â€Å"Sleep, sweet Pocket.†â€Å"Who's the muddy naked bloke snogging the king's noggin?†asked Kent. I awoke to see the old knight standing in the doorway with the Earl of Gloucester. The storm still raged outside, but by firelight I could see the naked nutter Tom O'Bedlam had wrapped himself around Lear and was kissing the king's bald head as if blessing a newborn babe. â€Å"Oh majesty,†said Gloucester, â€Å"can't you find better company than this? Who is this rough beast?†â€Å"He is a philosopher,†said Lear. â€Å"I will talk with him.†â€Å"Poor Tom O'Bedlam, is he,†said Tom. â€Å"Eater of tadpoles, cursed and damned by demons.†Kent looked to me and I shrugged. â€Å"Both mad as cat herds,†said I. I looked around for the old woman as a witness, but she was gone. â€Å"Well, snap to, majesty, I bring news from France,†said Kent. â€Å"Hollandaise sauce, excellent on eggs?†I inquired. â€Å"No,†said Kent. â€Å"More urgent.†â€Å"Wine and cheese complement one another nicely?†I further queried. â€Å"No, you rasp-tongued rascal, France has landed an army at Dover, and there's rumor they've forces hidden in other cities around the British coast, ready to strike.†â€Å"Oh, well, that does trump the wine and cheese news, then, doesn't it?†Gloucester was trying to pry Tom off King Lear, but having a hard time doing so while keeping mud off his cloak. â€Å"I've sent word to the French camp at Dover that Lear is here,†said Gloucester. â€Å"I've made the case to the king's daughters to let me bring him in from the storm, but they will not relent. Even in my own home my power has been usurped by the Duke of Cornwall. Regan and Cornwall have taken command of Lear's knights, and with them, my castle.†â€Å"We come to bring you to a hovel at the city wall,†said Kent. â€Å"When the storm breaks, Gloucester will send a cart to take Lear to the French camp at Dover.†â€Å"No,†said Lear. â€Å"Let me talk to my philosopher friend in private.†He pawed at mad Tom. â€Å"He knows much of how life should be lived. Tell me, friend, why is there thunder?†Kent turned to Gloucester and shrugged. â€Å"He's not in his right mind.†â€Å"Who can blame him?†said Gloucester. â€Å"After what his daughters have done – his very flesh rising up against him. I had a beloved son who conspired to murder me, and just the thought of that nearly drove me mad.†â€Å"Do you nobles have any reaction to hardship besides going bloody barking and running off to eat dirt?†said I. â€Å"Hitch up your bollocks and get on with it, would you? Caius, what of Drool?†â€Å"I left him hidden in the laundry, but Edmund will find him when his mind turns full to the task. Right now he is distracted by trying to avoid the sisters and conspiring with Cornwall.†â€Å"My son, Edmund, he is still true,†said Gloucester. â€Å"Yes, right, milord,†said I. â€Å"And mind you don't trip on the honeysuckle sprouting from his bum when you next see him. Do you have means to get me into the castle without Edmund knowing I'm there?†â€Å"I suppose. But I take no commands from you, fool. You are but a slave, and an impudent one at that.†â€Å"You're still angry over my jesting about your dead wife, aren't you?†â€Å"Do the fool's will!†boomed Lear. â€Å"His word is as mine.†A slight breeze then would have knocked me off my feet, so shocked was I. Oh, there was still madness glowing in the old man's eyes, but so was the fire of his authority. A feeble, babbling wretch one moment, the next a dragon deep inside the old man barked fire. â€Å"Yes, your majesty,†said Gloucester. â€Å"He's a good lad,†said Kent, by way of easing the bite of Lear's command. â€Å"Nuncle, bring your naked madman and let us go with Gloucester, to this hovel by the city wall. I'll retrieve my nitwit apprentice from the castle and off we'll be to meet up with the bloody frog King Jeff at Dover.†Kent rubbed my shoulder. â€Å"A sword in support then?†â€Å"No, thank you,†said I. â€Å"You stay with the old man, get him to Dover.†I pulled Kent over by the fire and bade him bend down so I could whisper in his ear. â€Å"Did you know that Lear murdered his brother?†The old knight's eyes went wide, then narrowed as if he were in pain. â€Å"He gave the order.†â€Å"Oh, Kent. Thou loyal old fool.â€
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Online Communication In Todays World essays
Online Communication In Todays World essays Group Facilitation and Conflict Resolution Techniques in the Online Environment What are you choosing to study? Why? What is the status quo that you will be working to improve? My study will revolve around the dynamics of online group communication and conflict resolution. I am most interested in this topic because my career focus is the establishment and management of online Communities of Practice (Lave and Wenger,1991). A secondary interest is my desire to improve the interpersonal communication between two groups of my peers. The study should help improve the basic strategies involved in building and maintaining a cross collaborative website known as the "Mentor Center". The current strategy used to update and maintain the site seems to have a lack of basic theory and structure. What do you already know about this topic? My knowledge of online group management is very limited. I hope to be more of a facilitator and source of information, than an administrator. One key area to the success of this study is Project Management. My knowledge of project management in a digital environment currently spans five years. The project management skill set I have should help me facilitate the process efficiently and successfully. In terms of conflict resolution, my professional knowledge is based only in theory. I have a background in international studies and interpersonal communications, with a focus on diplomacy. However, I have never acted as a formal diplomat. I hope to learn more about which theories are relevant and which are just theory. What is already known in the field about this topic? There is a vast amount of information on conflict management and mediation. My research has shown that most of the information concerns face-to-face theory and does not include online communication models. With some adjustment popular conflict resolution models should work in ...
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Castigo de los 3 o de los 10 años para regresar a EEUU
Castigo de los 3 o de los 10 aà ±os para regresar a EEUU El castigo de los 3 o de los 10 aà ±os prohà be regresar a Estados Unidos cuando se ha estado ilegalmente en el paà s y es una de las reglas migratorias que ms problemas causa, tanto a los migrantes que quieren arreglar sus papeles como a los extranjeros que desean visitar temporalmente EE.UU. Este castigo, que en inglà ©s se conoce como the three- and ten- year bars, fue creado por la ley Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigration Responsability Act (IIRAIRA, por sus siglas en inglà ©s). Entrà ³ en vigor en 1996 y, por lo tanto, no aplica a las personas que estuvieron ilegalmente en el paà s con anterior a esa fecha. En este artà culo se explica cà ³mo funciona este castigo, al que en algunos paà ses se llama penalidad, y las distintas posibilidades que pueden darse, por lo que es de importancia fundamental entender las particularidades que aplican al caso de cada uno, ya que hay importantes diferencias. Asimismo, se explica quià ©n califica para un perdà ³n, tambià ©n conocido como waiver o permiso, los casos especiales y se resuelven dudas frecuentes. En quà © consiste el castigo de los 3 y de los 10 aà ±os y a quià ©nes aplica Si eres extranjero y has estado ilegalmente en Estados Unidos por ms de 180 dà as corridos, es decir, de una sola vez, entonces cuando salgas del paà s no podrs regresar por tres aà ±os. Pero si el tiempo transcurrido como ilegal es superior a 365 dà as continuos, entonces la prohibicià ³n es por 10 aà ±os. Por ejemplo, si ingresaste con una visa de turista y en el I-94 (registro de entrada y de salida) que te concedieron seis meses para permanecer en Estados Unidos pero te fuiste siete meses ms tarde de la fecha consignada en el registro de entrada, entonces no podrs volver en 3 aà ±os, a contar desde la fecha en la que te fuiste. Otro ejemplo, si entraste ilegalmente por la frontera, el tiempo empieza a contarse desde ese dà a. Si el gobierno sospecha que has estado como indocumentado en Estados Unidos puede obligarte a probar con documentacià ³n que ese no es el caso. Es decir, no te confundas, el gobierno no tiene que demostrar que has sido un indocumentado. Todo lo contrario, te puede exigir que seas tà º el que tenga esa carga y  enseà ±es boletos de avià ³n, resguardos de tarjetas de crà ©dito o dà ©bito, contratos de arrendamiento o trabajo, facturas, etc., que sirvan para documentar tu presencia fuera de USA. Por à ºltimo, resaltar que este castigo de los tres y de los 10 aà ±os no aplica a todos los extranjeros ya que hay importantes excepciones, como por ejemplo, menores de 18 aà ±os o asilados. Dentro de Estados Unidos en situacià ³n de ilegalidad El castigo de los tres y de los 10 aà ±os tiene consecuencias distintas segà ºn la situacià ³n de la persona extranjera afectada por esta regla. En en primer lugar, veamos el caso de los extranjeros que se encuentran dentro de Estados Unidos y su situacià ³n de ilegalidad excede los 180 dà as. Decir que pueden ser expulsados desde el dà a 1 de ilegalidad o que puede iniciarse en su contra un procedimiento de deportacià ³n, dependiendo de las circunstancias de cada caso. Adems, este castigo puede afectar indirectamente a la hora de intentar de sacar la green card o de intentar obtener una visa no inmigrante al obligar a salir del paà s para hacer esos trmites y, de ese modo, activando el castigo. Pero no siempre es asà . Y es que existe una excepcià ³n para ciertos familiares de ciudadanos americanos que sà podrà an ajustar su estatus dentro del paà s, a pesar de estar en situacià ³n de indocumentados. Se tienen que dar todos los requisitos siguientes: En primer lugar, ser cà ³nyuge, hijos soltero menor de 21 aà ±os de un ciudadano o padre/madre de un ciudadano mayor de 21 aà ±os. En segundo lugar, haber ingresado a Estados Unidos legalmente. La situacià ³n de ilegalidad se produce por no haber salido del paà s dentro del tiempo que les concedà a su visa. Es decir, si se ha ingresado cruzando ilegalmente la frontera no se puede ajustar el estatus, incluso aunque se està © casado con un ciudadano o se tengan hijos americanos. Todas las dems personas extranjeras que estn ilegalmente en Estados Unidos deben salir del paà s para tramitar sus papeles, en lo que se conoce como procedimiento consular. Lo que pueden hacer, si reà ºnen los requisitos, es solicitar antes de salir de Estados Unidos un perdà ³n que se conoce como perdà ³n provisional por estancia ilegal. Sà ³lo aplica a las personas en proceso de tramitar una tarjeta de residencia permanente y deben poder acreditar que, si no les es concedido, su alejamiento por un tiempo amplio causarà a una situacià ³n de dureza extrema a el cà ³nyuge o el padre o la madre que debe ser ciudadano o residente permanente legal. En otras palabras, la dureza extrema que pueda causarse por la separacià ³n al migrante o a sus hijos, si los tiene, es irrelevante. La gran ventaja de obtener este waiver provisional es que, aunque sigue existiendo la obligacià ³n de salir de Estados Unidos para ir a una entrevista a un consulado, ya se viaja con el perdà ³n en la mano, por lo que si todo va bien, la estancia fuera del paà s se reducirà a a una semana o incluso menos. Destacar respecto a este perdà ³n provisional que su aprobacià ³n no es fcil y que incluso tenià ©ndolo eso no quiere decir que se obtenga siempre la visa de inmigrante para regresar a Estados Unidos ya que una vez en el consulado pueden aparecer otros problemas de inadmisibilidad. Y por à ºltimo decir que desde el 29 de julio de 2016 este perdà ³n provisional lo pueden pedir todas las personas que cumplen los requisitos antes expresados, sin que importe el camino por el que acceden a la green card, por ejemplo, peticià ³n de empresa, loterà a de visas, etc. Penalidad de 3 y 10 aà ±os cuando pide en consulado una visa no inmigrante Como se ha dicho previamente en este artà culo, cuando una persona extranjera est en Estados Unidos en situacià ³n de presencia ilegal por ms de 180 dà as y luego sale del paà s se encuentra que no puede regresar por 3 à ³ 10 aà ±os, dependiendo del tiempo que se estuvo ilegalmente.  ¿Quà © pasa si se quiere regresar con una visa no inmigrante tipo turista, estudiante, intercambio, inversià ³n, etc.? En este caso, y al amparo de lo que legalmente se conoce como perdà ³n INA 212 (d)(3) se podrà a pedir un perdà ³n por estancia ilegal previa para levantar el problema que convierte a la persona en lo que se conoce tà ©cnicamente como inadmisible para ingresar a Estados Unidos. Este perdà ³n no es fcil de obtener y depende de las circunstancias de cada caso. Se pide en el momento en que se solicita la visa no inmigrante que se desea y, para ser aprobado, se van a tener en cuenta tres puntos: la gravedad de la infraccià ³n que se cometià ³si el solicitante es de alguna forma una persona riesgosa para los Estados Unidos o sus leyesla razà ³n por la que la persona quiere viajar a Estados Unidos Es necesario probar con documentacià ³n todo lo que se dice al pedir el perdà ³n y argumentarlo debidamente en una carta. Este tipo de perdà ³n es difà cil de obtener, pero no imposible. Adems, tener en cuenta que incluso aunque se obtenga es posible que el oficial consultar finalmente niegue la visa, pero por otra causa. Es decir, porque considera que el solicitante de la visa es inelegible para la misma. Finalmente, si ya se ha cumplido el castigo, no es necesario pedir el perdà ³n. Tener en cuenta que es posible que si se pide una visa no inmigrante, à ©sta puede ser negada, pero no por el castigo, que ya no aplica, sino porque se es inelegible. Y es que para sacar una visa de este tipo un requisito es que el oficial consular està © convencido de que la persona que la solicita no se va a quedar en Estados Unidos ms tiempo del permitido y, là ³gicamente, va a sospechar de quien ya una vez lo hizo. Penalidad de 3 y 10 aà ±os cuando se pide en consulado una visa de inmigrante Un caso muy distinto es el de solicitud pendiente de una visa inmigrante. En estos casos el castigo de los 3 o de los 10 aà ±os convierte a la persona en inadmisible y, por consiguiente, la green card no es aprobada. Para levantar esta penalidad sà ³lo es posible un perdà ³n I-601 que tiene un requisito muy importante: probar una situacià ³n de dureza extrema para un familiar inmediato que es ciudadano americano o residente permanente de la persona que quiere emigrar y no puede por este problema. Estos perdones no son fciles de obtener y se demoran en ser tramitados entre 6 meses y 1 aà ±o, dependiendo de las circunstancias de cada caso y de la carga de trabajo entre los oficiales migratorios. Asimismo, tener en cuenta que, en ocasiones, adems de presentar los documentos para el perdà ³n por la penalidad de los 3 o de los 10 aà ±os es necesario solicitar conjuntamente otro. Por ejemplo, el perdà ³n I-212 por deportacià ³n. Casos especiales de perdones por castigo de 3 y 10 aà ±os Las personas que se encuentran en las siguientes categorà as deben saber que sus casos para pedir el perdà ³n tienen singularidades especiales, por lo que deberà an contactar con un abogado especialista: canadiensespersonas que ingresaron a Estados Unidos bajo el Programa de Exencià ³n de VisasTPS y NACARAVAWA, para casos de violencia domà ©sticaVisa T de trfico humanoVisa U para và ctimas de violenciaPrograma Juvenil Especial Consejos prcticos sobre la penalidad de los 3 y 10 aà ±os Tener en cuenta, adems, que segà ºn las circunstancias de cada caso puede que sea imposible legalmente solicitar el perdà ³n, como asà sucede cuando existe una prohibicià ³n permanente para regresar a Estados Unidos, situacià ³n que ocurre en varios casos como por ejemplo, al ingresar ilegalmente a Estados Unidos despuà ©s de una deportacià ³n. Asimismo, una aclaracià ³n sobre una duda frecuente.  ¿quà © pasa cuando el tiempo como ilegal fue inferior a 180 dà as? La respuesta depende del caso. Si se solicita una visa de inmigrante o un ajuste de estatus, en ambos casos para sacar la tarjeta de residencia permanente, ese tiempo de ilegalidad no va a suponer ningà ºn problema. Sin embargo, en los casos en los que se tiene una visa no inmigrante o se ha ingresado a Estados Unidos sin visa pero con una ESTA, automticamente se cancela la visa o la ESTA. A partir de ahà es ms difà cil obtener una visa nueva porque ya el oficial consular puede sospechar de los motivos por los que se pide y est en su derecho de denegarla. En el caso de espaà ±oles y chilenos que pueden ingresar sin visa, pierden automticamente ese derecho y ya siempre tendrn que pedir una visa si quieren viajar a Estados Unidos. Por todo lo dicho, es claro que el tema del castigo de los tres y de los 10 aà ±os es muy complejo y que las personas afectadas por esta regla deberà an contratar a un abogado de inmigracià ³n especialista en este tipo de casos. Este artà culo es meramente informativo. No es asesorà a legal.
Saturday, November 2, 2019
How can IR theories be brigged Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
How can IR theories be brigged - Essay Example Some of the core theories surrounding international relation are that of idealism, Realism, Marxism, Functionalism, Dependency theory, Critical theories and other areas such as international ethics and rationalism. There are some major gaps between the international relation theory owing to the time factor as well as the evolution of new ways and dimension to the theories. It is possible to bridge the theories in international relation and bring in a whole new dimension to the area. There were two distinct enterprises when it comes to international relations. The first set of theories dealt with the organization and dynamics of international relations. These theories provided concrete policies that are directly aimed at international relations. Proliferation of theories based on these few areas gave rise to concern and opened the arena for the new theories. The second set of theories that came about at a later point of time aims at giving us a thorough understanding of the internatio nal relation but in an indirect manner. Some of the first set theories include liberalism and realism whereas the second set comprises of ontological and epistemological issues that indirectly leads us to international relations. ... Instead, both the areas should be read together and thus bridging of international theories becomes very much crucial to get to the crux of the subject matter. Such implicit and explicit area of international theory will open new arenas or close unwanted views. This bridging will definitely help us understand the world of politics in a better manner. For instance, let us take the example of bridging of the Constructivism and Feminism in International Relations. Both of these theories belong to Critical international relations theory which believes that the behavior of the state as well as an individual can be changed. Constructivism is a discipline in international relation which believes that a prominent portion of the international relation is subject to historical and social contingency than the influence of the necessary consequences of human activities or that of world politics. Feminism, on the other hand, is the area of that target at the gender concerns in the international r elations and politics arena. The IR feminism looks into to the areas of international politics affected by men and women and the gendered factors surrounding some of the major areas of international relations. Both feminism and constructivism seems way apart but they seem to merge at a single point. Feminism is a historical and social contingency that has a major influence in the international politics. This is where the merging happens, thereby providing us a new area called Feminist constructivism. Feminist constructivism is an IR theory that is built upon the concept of construction as well as studies as to the influence of gender in world politics. A deeper look into construction will lead you through a way to understand
Thursday, October 31, 2019
The Value of Digital Privacy in an Information Technology Age Essay
The Value of Digital Privacy in an Information Technology Age - Essay Example Another technology is the RFID tags. This stands for radio frequency identification and it involves the use of electronic magnets for purposes of tracking and identification of objects attached to the RFID tags. These tags have the capability of storing information in an electronic manner, and these data are read by using magnetic fields. A researcher can access the information of an individual without his or her knowledge by use of these RFID tags (Keizer, 2012). This is because the tags can be implanted within individuals, and this increases the possibility of reading private information of an individual without their consent. The use of these tags has raised privacy concerns in United States of America. Having knowledge of such technology has its advantages and disadvantages. One advantage that the public has if they know this kind of information is that they will take measures of protecting their privacy. For instance, people won’t just provide their DNA details, names and addresses without confirming on why this type of information is required. This is in respect to the use of biometric technology in conducting a search for an individual. Another advantage is that the public would seek various measures of complaining to the authorities in case their privacy is breached. For instances, marketers can use the cloud computing technology to identify the consumption habits of individuals, and thereafter develop marketing programs that reflect their consumption habits. This usually involves perusing through the personal information of individuals without their consent. This practice is unethical, and needs to be condemned (Smith,... According to the report the cloud computing technology involves a subscription based consumption of technological services. In this type of technology, the software and hardware systems of a computer system are delivered through the internet. This type of computer technology involves the design of a cloud that can enable a computer user to focus on what he or she is looking for. On this basis, the user does not need to worry about where the information he or she is looking for is stored.As the paper discusses according to the act, the federal government has the authority to monitor all the computer system used by suspected terrorists, and compels all banking institutions, telecom organization, and libraries to provide tangible information regarding a suspected terrorist. This should be done without their knowledge and consent. In my own opinion, this law is uncalled for, and a breach to the constitutional rights of individuals contained in the due process clause of the 14th amendm ent, which protects the right of privacy. This law also breaks the provisions contained in the fourth amendment of the American constitution, which guarantees the right of an individual against illegal searches and seizure. For instance, in Katz vs. United States, the Supreme Court denoted that the use of technology in eavesdropping on an individual’s private communication amounts to an illegal search, and it is therefore unconstitutional.
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Comparing the ideas of Plato and Aristotle Essay
Comparing the ideas of Plato and Aristotle - Essay Example His ideas of politics and the government considered a city as a natural community that gave more importance to the family. He covered politics as an organism other than a machine, as well as, a collection of parts, which can exist without others. The political philosophy of both Plato and Aristotle were relevant and of reasonable concern because a person’s character, vices, virtues and desires, and most importantly education help in making a correct or relevant government. The two philosophers also agreed that governments and politics were vital to the characteristics of mankind. However, although the two philosophers agreed on some issues about government and politics, those opinions differed in one way or another. First, Plato was mostly concerned with the question of justice where he asked question of what a just state was, as well as, an individual. He states, â€Å"As concerning Justice what is it?†The question of what a just society is according to Plato is wide in the sense that it looks at the idea state where it is looked at a broader perspective (Plato, 47). Where a just society should have leaders who govern the society and who provide laws that should be followed by the society and individuals. Additionally, a just society is a society where each person performs their function without infringing in the rights of the others. Plato was having an argument an argument with Socrates and Polemarchus where they concluded, â€Å"Justice can be acknowledged not to be for the interest of the stronger, when the rulers unintentionally command things to be done, which are to their own injury (Plato, 56).†Therefore, justice is the obedience because the subjects render their comman ds. Aristotle, on the other hand, looks at political leadership where he views politicians as lawmakers who frame the appropriate constitution for the state to ensure that there is justice in the society (Aristotle, 188). Aristotle looks at justice in a government perceptive
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Reflective Account Examples Childcare
Reflective Account Examples Childcare Reflective account- Conferencing In taking part of the conferencing it has improved my academic skills and has broadened my knowledge and understanding of different aspects of life. When we first got given the task and were told to start posting comments and forming discussions I didnt see a big discussion going on within my group but once people were getting the hang of it, then more discussions were made. At first I found it very challenging and I was thinking that people in my group will judge me for what I say and go against everything that I posted. I started to build up my confidence in posting my first comment under social class where I talked about the different social classes that me and my family lived amongst. Also making reference back to some reading and research that I made. Looking back at my childhood I was aware of all the different stages of social class from a very young age and this does not only apply to what my family was going though but others around us as well. This is because there were times where I get everything I desired from my father and times were I couldnt have anything. And as a child this had a big effective on me as it would for other children in not getting what they want. I still think that social class is affecting me and my family in having a lot of financial crisis to overcome. Therefore this makes me became less sociable, in going out with my friends and started to keep my self to my self. Both of my parents do not work for medical reasons and are on income support therefore at times I feel like I am not getting everything that others are but having traveled aboard and seeing how people were living in absolute poverty it makes me come back and realise how thankful I should be as people are not getting half of what am getting. According to Julian Glover she states that â€Å"the poorest people in society are most aware of its impact; with 55% of them saying class, not ability, greatly affects the way they are seen.†This is a clear statement that in todays society people are judging each other according to their social class/ wealth and not according to a person as an individual. Being in a low social class can have a great impact within the family. By this I mean the parents can have bad tempers most of the times and can take this out on their children and abuse them, also can cause the parents to have suffer depression. What we see is the lower class areas have been most affected by drugs and crime and it is those aspects that seem to be given more focus than education also this has an impact on the family unit. The family is pivotal in the upbringing of children and if the family unit is unstable then that will no doubt have a domino effect on the children and their future. Also the children may suffer from this be not getting fed healthy, in order for them to have a strong immune system so they dont become ill and they continue to grow. In my childhood in Saudi Arabia I was aware of different ethnicities according to different races and cultures but not religions. This is because we had a maid in our house to help my mother with the house work and to look after me, my sister and my brother. She was from Malaysia but has the same religion as us which is Islam. But once I came into the Untied Kingdom I was more aware of different cultures, races and beliefs and especially in the city of Sheffield where it is a multicultural society and a large number of Muslims, Christians, Hindus and many other beliefs. When I started attending my first primary school I found children from all different ethnic minorities. This was something different to what I was used to seeing in Saudi Arabia as everyone there were from the same race and had the same culture and belief. Once I got into secondary school I started having lessons on religious education in these lessons we covered all different cultures and beliefs. I found it really interesting to learn about other cultures then my own such as Indian, Chinese, Catholic and many more. We were also being able to compare the similarities and differences in marriage ceremonies etc within the different cultures. I decided to take it as a chosen subject in my GCSEs. This then made me become more aware of ethnicity. During my childhood I never wearied a head scarf as it is apart of the Islamic religion that a woman should wear it to cover to from any strange men. I wasnt forced my parents to wear it but in secondary school I had a lot of friends that did wear the head scarf. Is was in year 10 when my friends persuaded me to wear the scarf and I found it as a big step to take but I agreed at the end and started wearing it and never took it off. I felt like I had to overcome a lot of racism because I had chosen to wear the scarf. I was getting racist comments from the boys in my school who were black and used to talk to me before and didnt like the fact that I covered my hair. Even though my secondary school had 75% of children who were Muslims from different ethnic minorities. Not all the racist comments that I was getting from school but I was getting them from the public as well for example bus drivers just drive past me as am standing in the bus stop with my hand out and the bus is not even fu ll. At first I used to let these things get to me but I realised that some people are not aware of other religions and cultures so therefore they decided to be racist because they went everyone to follow their beliefs. I felt that it was vital that children should be introduced to different ethnic minorities; they should be taught that every religion and belief should be respected. As I was growing up I was aware of different genders within my family. I have a brother that is seven years older than me and a sister that is three years older than me. When we were young in Saudi Arabia we all shared one big room. I used to see what different roles we got by our parents. For example my brother would be asked to go to the shop and get things that are missing for the house and my sister and I were just ask to tidy our rooms up and little jobs as such. As part of the Islamic religion a womens role in life is to care for her family and mens must take on the role of supporter, protector, provider, custodian and servant to the family. This does not mean that a woman should be forced to clean, cook and stay at home no thats part of their care for their family put a man should no aspect a woman to be doing that all the time. If a woman shows to carry on with her education to gain more knowledge then there is nothing that can stop her from doing so. But this as well goes ba ck to the time where woman were seen to be as house wifes and cant even vote etc. I have come across in many placements that I have worked in children having a firm understanding of gender for example in the games in which girls can play but boys cant and the opposite. This now where woman and man seem to be equal and settings do tend to follow the anti- discrimination and anti- bias set policies and proceeds. When I was in Saudi Arabia the schools dont allow to have mixed genders. Therefore when my sister and I went to school it was girls only. We both enjoyed that and the way that we are all girls and have the same mentality and were able to discuses issues freely. The final dimension that we had to discuss in our conferencing was disability. In my childhood I was aware of disabled people by seeing them in the media. My siblings and I were looked after by aunty sometimes and she has a speech and language disorders where she couldnt speak fluently. Another thing was that she would have tantrums and knowing that she is having them. I have also realised that she has the mentality of a child thats like ten years old even though she is a lot older. Starting my secondary school I was finding my reading and writing to be very poor. Therefore I seemed to be struggling in my studies but I was fighting myself to do well all the time and to let it but me down. I got to college and during my final year I felt like I was under a lot of pressure and left like I might have a learning difficulty. So I went to the learning support base in college and I asked if I can have a test taken and so I did. The results showed that I was dyslexic and I so therefore I was given extra time in handing my coursework and for my exams. As I started university I tried to apply for disabled students allowance and I sent my college report but the said they dont accept it. So they offered me to take a test with the university it self so I did and the results turned out to be that am not dyslexic and that I wasnt eligible to any extra support. Therefore am finding it hard being at university and trying to cope with all the assignments that are been given to me without any additional support.
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