Thursday, October 31, 2019
The Value of Digital Privacy in an Information Technology Age Essay
The Value of Digital Privacy in an Information Technology Age - Essay Example Another technology is the RFID tags. This stands for radio frequency identification and it involves the use of electronic magnets for purposes of tracking and identification of objects attached to the RFID tags. These tags have the capability of storing information in an electronic manner, and these data are read by using magnetic fields. A researcher can access the information of an individual without his or her knowledge by use of these RFID tags (Keizer, 2012). This is because the tags can be implanted within individuals, and this increases the possibility of reading private information of an individual without their consent. The use of these tags has raised privacy concerns in United States of America. Having knowledge of such technology has its advantages and disadvantages. One advantage that the public has if they know this kind of information is that they will take measures of protecting their privacy. For instance, people won’t just provide their DNA details, names and addresses without confirming on why this type of information is required. This is in respect to the use of biometric technology in conducting a search for an individual. Another advantage is that the public would seek various measures of complaining to the authorities in case their privacy is breached. For instances, marketers can use the cloud computing technology to identify the consumption habits of individuals, and thereafter develop marketing programs that reflect their consumption habits. This usually involves perusing through the personal information of individuals without their consent. This practice is unethical, and needs to be condemned (Smith,... According to the report the cloud computing technology involves a subscription based consumption of technological services. In this type of technology, the software and hardware systems of a computer system are delivered through the internet. This type of computer technology involves the design of a cloud that can enable a computer user to focus on what he or she is looking for. On this basis, the user does not need to worry about where the information he or she is looking for is stored.As the paper discusses according to the act, the federal government has the authority to monitor all the computer system used by suspected terrorists, and compels all banking institutions, telecom organization, and libraries to provide tangible information regarding a suspected terrorist. This should be done without their knowledge and consent. In my own opinion, this law is uncalled for, and a breach to the constitutional rights of individuals contained in the due process clause of the 14th amendm ent, which protects the right of privacy. This law also breaks the provisions contained in the fourth amendment of the American constitution, which guarantees the right of an individual against illegal searches and seizure. For instance, in Katz vs. United States, the Supreme Court denoted that the use of technology in eavesdropping on an individual’s private communication amounts to an illegal search, and it is therefore unconstitutional.
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Comparing the ideas of Plato and Aristotle Essay
Comparing the ideas of Plato and Aristotle - Essay Example His ideas of politics and the government considered a city as a natural community that gave more importance to the family. He covered politics as an organism other than a machine, as well as, a collection of parts, which can exist without others. The political philosophy of both Plato and Aristotle were relevant and of reasonable concern because a person’s character, vices, virtues and desires, and most importantly education help in making a correct or relevant government. The two philosophers also agreed that governments and politics were vital to the characteristics of mankind. However, although the two philosophers agreed on some issues about government and politics, those opinions differed in one way or another. First, Plato was mostly concerned with the question of justice where he asked question of what a just state was, as well as, an individual. He states, â€Å"As concerning Justice what is it?†The question of what a just society is according to Plato is wide in the sense that it looks at the idea state where it is looked at a broader perspective (Plato, 47). Where a just society should have leaders who govern the society and who provide laws that should be followed by the society and individuals. Additionally, a just society is a society where each person performs their function without infringing in the rights of the others. Plato was having an argument an argument with Socrates and Polemarchus where they concluded, â€Å"Justice can be acknowledged not to be for the interest of the stronger, when the rulers unintentionally command things to be done, which are to their own injury (Plato, 56).†Therefore, justice is the obedience because the subjects render their comman ds. Aristotle, on the other hand, looks at political leadership where he views politicians as lawmakers who frame the appropriate constitution for the state to ensure that there is justice in the society (Aristotle, 188). Aristotle looks at justice in a government perceptive
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Reflective Account Examples Childcare
Reflective Account Examples Childcare Reflective account- Conferencing In taking part of the conferencing it has improved my academic skills and has broadened my knowledge and understanding of different aspects of life. When we first got given the task and were told to start posting comments and forming discussions I didnt see a big discussion going on within my group but once people were getting the hang of it, then more discussions were made. At first I found it very challenging and I was thinking that people in my group will judge me for what I say and go against everything that I posted. I started to build up my confidence in posting my first comment under social class where I talked about the different social classes that me and my family lived amongst. Also making reference back to some reading and research that I made. Looking back at my childhood I was aware of all the different stages of social class from a very young age and this does not only apply to what my family was going though but others around us as well. This is because there were times where I get everything I desired from my father and times were I couldnt have anything. And as a child this had a big effective on me as it would for other children in not getting what they want. I still think that social class is affecting me and my family in having a lot of financial crisis to overcome. Therefore this makes me became less sociable, in going out with my friends and started to keep my self to my self. Both of my parents do not work for medical reasons and are on income support therefore at times I feel like I am not getting everything that others are but having traveled aboard and seeing how people were living in absolute poverty it makes me come back and realise how thankful I should be as people are not getting half of what am getting. According to Julian Glover she states that â€Å"the poorest people in society are most aware of its impact; with 55% of them saying class, not ability, greatly affects the way they are seen.†This is a clear statement that in todays society people are judging each other according to their social class/ wealth and not according to a person as an individual. Being in a low social class can have a great impact within the family. By this I mean the parents can have bad tempers most of the times and can take this out on their children and abuse them, also can cause the parents to have suffer depression. What we see is the lower class areas have been most affected by drugs and crime and it is those aspects that seem to be given more focus than education also this has an impact on the family unit. The family is pivotal in the upbringing of children and if the family unit is unstable then that will no doubt have a domino effect on the children and their future. Also the children may suffer from this be not getting fed healthy, in order for them to have a strong immune system so they dont become ill and they continue to grow. In my childhood in Saudi Arabia I was aware of different ethnicities according to different races and cultures but not religions. This is because we had a maid in our house to help my mother with the house work and to look after me, my sister and my brother. She was from Malaysia but has the same religion as us which is Islam. But once I came into the Untied Kingdom I was more aware of different cultures, races and beliefs and especially in the city of Sheffield where it is a multicultural society and a large number of Muslims, Christians, Hindus and many other beliefs. When I started attending my first primary school I found children from all different ethnic minorities. This was something different to what I was used to seeing in Saudi Arabia as everyone there were from the same race and had the same culture and belief. Once I got into secondary school I started having lessons on religious education in these lessons we covered all different cultures and beliefs. I found it really interesting to learn about other cultures then my own such as Indian, Chinese, Catholic and many more. We were also being able to compare the similarities and differences in marriage ceremonies etc within the different cultures. I decided to take it as a chosen subject in my GCSEs. This then made me become more aware of ethnicity. During my childhood I never wearied a head scarf as it is apart of the Islamic religion that a woman should wear it to cover to from any strange men. I wasnt forced my parents to wear it but in secondary school I had a lot of friends that did wear the head scarf. Is was in year 10 when my friends persuaded me to wear the scarf and I found it as a big step to take but I agreed at the end and started wearing it and never took it off. I felt like I had to overcome a lot of racism because I had chosen to wear the scarf. I was getting racist comments from the boys in my school who were black and used to talk to me before and didnt like the fact that I covered my hair. Even though my secondary school had 75% of children who were Muslims from different ethnic minorities. Not all the racist comments that I was getting from school but I was getting them from the public as well for example bus drivers just drive past me as am standing in the bus stop with my hand out and the bus is not even fu ll. At first I used to let these things get to me but I realised that some people are not aware of other religions and cultures so therefore they decided to be racist because they went everyone to follow their beliefs. I felt that it was vital that children should be introduced to different ethnic minorities; they should be taught that every religion and belief should be respected. As I was growing up I was aware of different genders within my family. I have a brother that is seven years older than me and a sister that is three years older than me. When we were young in Saudi Arabia we all shared one big room. I used to see what different roles we got by our parents. For example my brother would be asked to go to the shop and get things that are missing for the house and my sister and I were just ask to tidy our rooms up and little jobs as such. As part of the Islamic religion a womens role in life is to care for her family and mens must take on the role of supporter, protector, provider, custodian and servant to the family. This does not mean that a woman should be forced to clean, cook and stay at home no thats part of their care for their family put a man should no aspect a woman to be doing that all the time. If a woman shows to carry on with her education to gain more knowledge then there is nothing that can stop her from doing so. But this as well goes ba ck to the time where woman were seen to be as house wifes and cant even vote etc. I have come across in many placements that I have worked in children having a firm understanding of gender for example in the games in which girls can play but boys cant and the opposite. This now where woman and man seem to be equal and settings do tend to follow the anti- discrimination and anti- bias set policies and proceeds. When I was in Saudi Arabia the schools dont allow to have mixed genders. Therefore when my sister and I went to school it was girls only. We both enjoyed that and the way that we are all girls and have the same mentality and were able to discuses issues freely. The final dimension that we had to discuss in our conferencing was disability. In my childhood I was aware of disabled people by seeing them in the media. My siblings and I were looked after by aunty sometimes and she has a speech and language disorders where she couldnt speak fluently. Another thing was that she would have tantrums and knowing that she is having them. I have also realised that she has the mentality of a child thats like ten years old even though she is a lot older. Starting my secondary school I was finding my reading and writing to be very poor. Therefore I seemed to be struggling in my studies but I was fighting myself to do well all the time and to let it but me down. I got to college and during my final year I felt like I was under a lot of pressure and left like I might have a learning difficulty. So I went to the learning support base in college and I asked if I can have a test taken and so I did. The results showed that I was dyslexic and I so therefore I was given extra time in handing my coursework and for my exams. As I started university I tried to apply for disabled students allowance and I sent my college report but the said they dont accept it. So they offered me to take a test with the university it self so I did and the results turned out to be that am not dyslexic and that I wasnt eligible to any extra support. Therefore am finding it hard being at university and trying to cope with all the assignments that are been given to me without any additional support.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Children and Video Game Violence :: Entertainment Papers
Video game systems are the basis for much discussion and argumentation in today’s society. They have been around since the 1970’s and have allowed children to pass the time with an interactive way to leave this world and enter a new realm of imagination, where the creators of the games set the only guidelines. Children are allowed to see themselves as characters with amazing powers and the ability to do many things. Many critics, however, worry children are not physically capable of understanding that games are not reality, and, therefore, cannot realize, in the real world, one cannot commit the acts they do while playing video games. Violence, for example, is found in more than half of all video games. People worry that children who constantly view violence in this manner will learn to see violence as a proper action without any consequences. My paper is organized in a manner which allows you, the reader, to view and understand the points of many authors and their works without having to read them in a boring, straight information, textbook form. First is the dinner meeting, in which all of the authors of my sources came to my house for dinner and discussed much of their thoughts about these games. Following the dinner is my summary and analysis of their works, and, finally, my input and beliefs on the subject of the negative effects of video games on children. The table was set, and the food was out. The lights were low in my dining room as the chairs were set around my hardwood, darkly stained table with a burgundy tablecloth. The light reflected off of the side of the turkey breast, and the light rays bounced around inside the glass bowl containing green beans. No, it is not Thanksgiving dinner, but a nice meal for the writers of several sources on the topic of the effects of video games on children. Although the dark green walls of my rectangular dining room do not echo any sounds now, I know the room will soon be filled with loud debates and harsh discussions on a topic with which I am becoming more familiar. As the guests began to arrive, I did not know what to expect. The representatives from ABCNews were dressed like reporters: the women in business suites and the men in ties.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
How to Deal with Stress
HOW TO DEAL WITH STRESS? Stress is the natural strain which we feel when we have to cope with difficult, unpleasant or dangerous situations. We can’t completely remove it from our lives but we can learn how to deal with it. There is a lot of techniques to cope with stress starting with relaxing massages and ending with yoga. But the most helpful are these methods which are simple, possible to do by everyone and easy to remember. To achieve success in the fight with stress we should remember about a few simple things: 1) Be well prepared and well organized to your task ) Be aware of your choices – you always have choice, think about it and decide what to do 3) Stop worrying about things that you cannot change 4) Take a deep breath and realize that you have the power to control your life 5) Do not expect perfectionism from yourself, sometimes no matter how hard you try, some things are just impossible 6) Don’t take things too seriously, give yourself a chance to ha ve a little bit of fun 7) Use a positive self – talk, repeat to yourself â€Å" I can handle this, I will manage, I am the best†8) Chew gum – it is proved that the action of chewing can reduce stress. ) Get enough sunlight 10) Treat your body right – you will have more self-confidence and energy. Follow a sensible diet, eat a healthy breakfast, drink a lot of water, don’t drink too much coffee because caffeine is known to boost stress levels. Beware also of junk food. Get fit – exercise a little every day. This release endorphins that can lower stress levels, eat chocolate because it release endorphins too. The most important – get enough sleep. If your life is too fast, slow down, take a rest. Remember that you are a unique individual, worthy of love and stress is just a temporary feeling .
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
It has been argued that, while difficult, organisational culture can be changed. Do you agree? Why or why not? There are many things that it is difficult for organisations culture can be changed. Organisation culture is talking about share values, principles, tradition and ways of doing things. However it influence the ways organisation members act. There are some academic journals and books talk about organisation culture and how could it be change. 1. GR Jones (2007) Organizational theory, design, and change 2.Taylor & Francis (2012) TQM and organisational culture reference to http://www. tandfonline. com/doi/abs/10. 1080/14783363. 2012. 647847 3. CK Lee, B Tan†¦(2008) The impact of organisational culture and learning on innovation performance http://inderscience. metapress. com/content/6334164r472up141/ WebQuest Activity 4 Use your referencing guide to find 10 mistakes in the following paragraph and reference list. Superscript numbers indicate approximately where the mistakes are. One has been done for you.It is difficult to derive a simple meaning of culture and many texts on the subject open their discussions with a range of definitions (Linstead, Fulop, & Lilley, 2009 and Taylor, 2004). For example: Culture refers to â€Å"a complex set of values, beliefs, assumptions, and symbols that define the way in which a firm conducts its business†(Barney, 1986) and many authors follow similar variations on the theme of â€Å"shared values†(Robbins, Millet, & Waters-Marsh, 2008 and Schermerhorn Jr, et al. , 2011) .Organisational culture is not the same as national culture which can sometimes work against the values an organisation is trying to encourage (Gerhart, 2009). References Barney, J. B. (1986). Organizational culture: can it be a source of sustained competitive advantage? Academy of Management Review, 11 (3), 656-665. Gerhart, B. (2009). How much does national culture constrain organizational culture? Management & Organization Review, 5 (2), 241-259. Linstead, S. , Fulop, L. , & Lilley, S. (2009). Management & Organization: A Critical Text.Houndmills, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. Robbins, S. , Millet, B. , & Waters-Marsh, T. (2008). Organisational behaviour (5th ed. ): Pearson Education Australia. Schermerhorn Jr, J. R. , et al. (2011). Management (4th Asia-Pacific ed. ). Milton, Qld: John Wiley & Sons Australia. Taylor, C. (2004). Leveraging corporate culture to build corporate performance. Sydney. ANSWERS 1. The word â€Å"for example†should put after full stop like as above 2. Semi colon should be used instead of ‘and’ 3. Not necessary to put ‘for example’ in parentheses 4.The list has the heading References 5. The references list should be start a new page 6. The publisher of the book has to be mentioned at the last, put a colon after the publication place instead of a full stop. 7. Single quotation should be used instead of â€Å"double quotation†8. The author name should be in normal form not Italic form 9. All the authors should be mentioned instead of putting ‘et al’ if the book has 6 or 7 authors, otherwise ignore the ‘et al’ if it is written only by one author. 10. The location of the publication should be mentioned.
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